ES6-and-beyond multiprocess-safe file-system-based object-store. [Object Database, Multiprocess, Multiprocess Database]
ES6-and-beyond multiprocess-safe file-system-based JSON-formatted object-store.
See for an independent sister project.
Use the 7.x branch as it supports async/await via —harmony flag.
Note that node 7.6.0 and above does not require the —harmony flag.
Overall, use latest version of node.
npm i multiprocess-store
const objectStore = require('multiprocess-store');
const store = await objectStore.createStore('~/Tests/my-objects');
await store.upsertObject({
_id: 'helloWorldObject',
text: 'Cats are little people!'
console.log(await store.getObject('helloObject'));
Use the —harmony flag to enable async/await in older 7.x.
Node 7.6 and up does not require the —harmony flag.
node <7.6.0 example
node --harmony my-app.js
node >=7.6.0 example
node my-app.js
const objectStore = require('multiprocess-store');
const myApp = async function() {
const store = await objectStore.createStore('~/Tests/test-store-1');
await store.upsertObject({
_id: 'helloObject',
text: 'Hello Object Store!'
console.log(await store.getObject('helloObject'));
const objectStore = require('multiprocess-store');
const myApp = async function() {
const store = await objectStore.createStore('~/Tests/test-store-2');
await store.upsertObject({
_id: 'helloObject',
text: 'Hello Object Store!'
// Make an update
let storeObject = await store.getObject('helloObject');
storeObject.secret = 'Cats are little people!';
await store.updateObject(storeObject);
console.log(await store.getObject('helloObject'));
Create the disk based store:
const store = await objectStore.createStore('/tmp/a-user-manager-store');
=> store
// tilde will resolve to user home directory
const store = await objectStore.createStore('~/Tests/hello-store');
=> store // in user's home: /Users/captain-fantasy/Tests/hello-store
Crete an object with id hello.
await store.createObject({_id:'hello', email:''});
=> true;
Retrieve an object from the store by its id.
let _id = 'hello';
await store.getObject(_id);
=> obj // the requested object, it will contain _id and _rev fields
Update a recently retrieved and edited object.
await store.updateObject(obj);
=> true;
Delete an object using its id.
let _id = 'hello';
await store.deleteObject(_id)
=> true;
Get revision conflicts.
let _id = 'hello';
await store.getConflicts(_id);
=> [
Get all objects from the store. (Use .filter(), .map() and/or lodash on returned data)
await store.getAllObjects();
=> [
"_id": "alice",
"password": "42b3fdf4-12f7-4915-b218-599d08b001c4",
"_rev": "56-34a2bb6f366143b999241f099e3e29c3"
"_id": "bob",
"password": "123",
"_rev": "0-94bdde39692f48018e097cf4d1698931"
"_id": "carol",
"password": "hunter2",
"_rev": "0-fe93b45cb46d4a9bbe4a44f11a62ee27"
Revision conflicts occur when two actors write at the same time to the same revision number. That is to say, two separate programs requested a copy of an object at the same time/object-state (ex. on a Monday Evening), modified the data and performed an updateObject
slipping through the cracks between atomic disk IO and node multiprocessing race conditions
at the same time, on High Noon Tuesday.
Revision conflicts occur due to race conditions that emerge between multiple users, multiprocessing, and non-atomic disk IO. Revision conflicts occur in rare conditions, and solving them depends on your particular application.
A new revision of a document means that a conflict is probably
not important anymore becasue a new document with a higher revision has been created. However, a conflict inside a previous revision becomes a signal that something may potentially need attention, maybe a bit of information can be moved into the latest revision all the way back from few weeks ago when some administrator made a note on an unreliable network connection somewhere.
Revision conflicts can only be solved by a human in context of a program that is using the store, however there is great potential for auto-solving depending on your specific use case. Consider an event where both a very old conflict and the latest master have matching data for example this means that in this particular scenario the old revision conflict can be removed automatically as its data has been captured by the latest revision, be it by chance or because someone looked at the revision and moved that bit of data to the latest revision.
Every revision is a file with a random name, saved in a directory named after the object id: alice-profile/3f700747-033f-486a-afbe-57e4f6662153-3
Whenever a new revision is made, a whole new random filename is generated: alice-profile/ef15f947-fe03-4de9-9926-0745c69373f5-4
To track revisions, the revision number is added to the filename: alice-profile/f94bc318-0ffd-4f13-b258-84420e97601c-5
when document is updated the new information is saved to a new random filename with a higher revision postfix alice-profile/5b4c17f0-546f-47f6-95bb-1a10a107ebeb
What you must understand is that when a race condition occurs, it does not endanger the data, information cannot be lost due to random filenames (UUIDs) both operations will succed in saving two separate files, with the same revision number. THe same revision number is then used as a red-flag for discovering that a conflict occured.
User #1 saves: alice-profile/ee30f92d-a785-4603-b0b8-b681b8707e39-3
User #2 saves: alice-profile/56b1d51a-e2b8-4d6c-837b-61af06c6b272-3
No information can be lost, but both will be unaware that they updated the same piece of data unless you quickly check for conflicts and ask either to merge them - depending on use case.
When alice-profile
is read, and a conflict is present, the winner is elected by sort() thus in a situation where two revisions are saved at the same time, and we have a tie, we choose the winner by just sorting the randomly generated filename, in effect we toss the dice; and the winner is chosen at random (by means of a random UUID).
If you had a 1,000 servers, with 1,000 processes all creating revision 2 of object named important-passwords, thus 1,000 conflicts on 1,000 machines.
If every machine contacted all other 999 machines, and copied their revision data about 1,000 revision files from each of those 999 machines, a total of 1,000,000 files. At the end of the day, they would each arrive at the same state of revision 2, independently agreeing on a single lucky revision file; thus reaching eventual consistency
If one of those machines made another change later in the night, and saved revision 3 of important-passwords. All those 999 other machines, hoping to synchronize, would only copy that single revision 3 from that host. The other 999 machines would request revision 3.
Again conflict resolution is not a theoretical problem, nor is it a general problem for generic databases, it depends on your particular application, needs, network, customers, administrators, foresight, and technology.