Highlight return keywords.
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Supported IDE versions: 201.6668
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The aim of this plugin is to highlight return
keywords in source code.
Sometimes it happens we find difficult to read source files; take for example this piece of code
1 private toggleRowCheck(rowId: string, doCheck: boolean): boolean {
2 if (doCheck) {
3 if (this.checkedRows.size >= (this.selectionOpt.limit || Infinity)) return false;
4 this.checkedRows.add(rowId);
5 } else {
6 this.checkedRows.delete(rowId);
7 }
8 return true;
9 }
It is not immediately apparent a return
statement is present at line 3
This is why the plugin does
ing lines (clicking on it will take you to the return statement!)return
keyword, so that it stands out moreThe plugin offers some degree of customization.
You can customize which languages will have the gutter icon via
Settings > Editor > General > Gutter Icons
You’ll find a Return Highlighter section, with all available languages listed.
You can disable or customize how the return keyword is highlighted, to stand out more, via
Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > Return Highlighter
To reset values to the default ones, check Inherit values from.
Certain languages offer features like lambda expressions (Java) or function expressions (JavaScript).
This means potentially you can have nested functions, and thus nested return
To highlight only top-level return
keywords, depending on the language, look under
Settings > Return Highlighter > [language]
and check Only top-level return keywords.
Highlighting return
statements in simple functions/methods can be annoying.
Thus it is possible to disable it for such elements.
To skip return
keywords inside simple getters, look under
Settings > Return Highlighter > [language]
and check Skip simple getters.
A tooltip is there to show examples of simple getters, per language, but for the sake of README completeness
here is one too in TypeScript
isEnabled(): boolean {
return true;