IntelliJ IDEA IDE in a docker container
IntelliJ IDEA IDE Community Edition IDE in a docker container. Provides a full Java IDE in a docker container with Open JDK.
Install Docker/Compose. You must have Docker and Compose installed to run your Jekyll project in Docker.
Install GWSL. GWSL handles running XServer on top of WSL. (Graphical Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Using GWSL, navigate to the folder you downloaded the project to, build the docker image.
docker build -t lumunix/intellij-idea-docker .
docker-compose up
Install Docker/Compose. You must have Docker and Compose installed to run your Jekyll project in Docker.
Install Homebrew using Terminal
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Using Terminal, install Socat with homebrew
brew install socat
Using Terminal install xquartz with homebrew
brew install xquartz
Open Xquartz, in the Preferences of the xQuartz app in the Security tab, check allow connections from network clients
open -a Xquartz
Using Terminal, navigate to the folder you downloaded the project to, build the docker image.
docker build -t lumunix/intellij-idea-docker .
Run Socat
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
Using Terminal, navigate to the [Repo Directory]/macOs folder, run this command, you will get a inet ip address, add the IP address to the .env file as follows.
ifconfig | grep "inet " | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2
docker-compose up