Eclipse Corrosion - Rust edition in Eclipse IDE
Corrosion is a Rust development plugin for the Eclipse IDE, providing a rich edition experience through integration with the Rust Analyzer language server, Cargo runner and gdb debugger.
Download a fully-fledged Eclipse IDE for Rust development from Corrosion download area.
With Eclipse IDE properly installed on your machine, just click Here
From a working Eclipse IDE, find Eclipse Corrosion on the Eclipse Marketplace (how to install from marketplace)
From a working Eclipse IDE, install from p2 repository
To install the Rust toolchain, consider visiting and install Rustup.
On Linux and MacOS, the toolchain can also be installed via Corrosion in the Rust
preference page (Window > Preferences
Corrosion brings together multiple different sources of features to make an enjoyable developing environment. Here are just a few of the most common features. Download today to discover all Corrosion has to offer.
Rust Analyzer supplies Corrosion with the majority of the edition abilities. More information can be found at the Rust-Analyzer GitHub Repository.
Using the rust-gdb
, Corrosion enables users to debug their Rust programs with intelligent supports.
Corrosion brings a Unit Tests
view to monitor progress of your test executions, and easily analyze test reports.
See also ▶️video demo.
Corrosion is built for all Rust developers, newcomers to experts, bringing a GUI to common Cargo features.
Corrosion fits right into the standard Eclipse IDE workflows that boost productivity:
Corrosion is always open to new features and pull requests. If you have a feature or bug you wish to work on, file an issue and other Corrosion developers will be able to help you get started.
Refer to our Contributing Guide for more instructions.
For the edition, Corrosion uses the lsp4e project to integrate with the Rust Analyzer and TM4E project to provide syntax highlighting in order to provide a rich Rust editor in the Eclipse IDE.
is used to easily provisin the various necessary Rust tools.
Initialization, import and export of projects and execution are provided by integration with cargo
Debugging is provided by integration with rust-gdb
and Eclipse CDT GDB support.
Corrosion was formerly called RedOx, but required a name change due to naming overlap with another project (See issue #24)
Corrosion is an open-source project licensed under The Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
The Rust and Cargo logos are owned by Mozilla and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY) (More Info).