Laravel generate awesome and unique identicons with beautiful colors
Laricon is a library which generate an identicon image based on a string.
Here is some examples of awesome results!
composer require vikin/laricon
Images are generated in PNG format with transparent background.
The string can be an email, an IP address, a username, an ID or something else.
Add in the config/app.php
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Laricon' => Vikin\Laricon\Facades\Laricon::class
Then you can generate and display an identicon image
or generate and get the image data
or generate and get the base 64 image uri ready for integrate into an HTML img tag.
<img src="{{ Laricon::getImageDataUri('vikin') }}" alt="Vikin Identicon" />
By default the size will be 64 pixels. If you want to change the image size just add a secondary parameter. 512 x 512px in this example.
Laricon::displayImage('vikin', 512);
The color is automatically generated according to the string hash but you can chose to specify a color by adding a third argument.
Color can be an hexadecimal with 6 characters
Laricon::displayImage('vikin', 64, 'A87EDF');
or an array with red, green, blue value
Laricon::displayImage('foo', 64, [200, 100, 150]);
That’s it!
Identicon is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
From the yzalis/Identicon