项目作者: praveenkumarpgiindia

项目描述 :
The program written on R shiny language is intended for Therapeutic drug monitoring centers worldwide.
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/praveenkumarpgiindia/Chromatography-TDM-Server.git
创建时间: 2017-08-09T14:08:45Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Shyam’s Chromatography-TDM-Server

The program written on R shiny language is intended for the utility of Therapeutic drug monitoring centers.

The web url link for accessing the program for getting a overview is provided here. But do note that the ultimate intention is to download the program and run it in your own hospital server.


We intended to develop this program for the following purposes:

1) The ease of calculating the unknown concentration of drug in the sample evaluated based on the concentration and spectral value of the standards instantaneously (data obtained through HPLC,LC-MS/MS or any similar assay methods).
2) Reutlisation of the data of standard concentrations, for multiple samples.
3) Creation of database containing the details of the samples evaluated with their results.
4) Maintenance of easily accessible database within the laboratory along with functionality like downloading the database in csv format.
5) Evaluation of the database for finding out patients in the interested range of concentration in a instantaneous manner.
6) Interactive analysis of the database to visualise out of range results within seconds (the date of entry of the results into the database or sample number of the patient are the two identifiers currently taken by this program).
7) Interpretation of results hence obtained on basis of various parameters like the nature of the drug, patient criteria such as age and other significant clinical conditions.
8) Calculation of adjusted concentrations of drug in special conditions as suggested by published literature (an e.g. is, correction of phenytoin concentration according to blood albumin concentration of the patient).

Developers from across the world are heartily welcome to join us in further developing this program.

Dedicated to our everbright and impressive student: Late Dr Shyambalaji Achuthan M.D.,