Simple library with fluent API for creating and verifying signed licenses
ThinkSharp.Licensing is a simple library with fluent API for creating and verifying signed licenses. It provides the following functionallities:
ThinkSharp.Licensing can be installed via Nuget
Install-Package ThinkSharp.Licensing
The class SignedLicense
encapsulates some license related information and a signature for verifying it. The license can be serialized / deserialized for storing it on the client. It has following public properties:
for licenses without expiration)SerialNumber
below)IDictionary<string, string>
with custom key value pairsThe static Lic
class is the entry point for the fluent API that allows to work with signed licenses. It has the following static properties:
Create signed licenses
SignedLicense license = Lic.Builder
.WithRsaPrivateKey(pk) // .WithSigner(ISigner)
.WithHardwareIdentifier(HardwareIdentifier.ForCurrentComputer()) // .WithoutHardwareIdentifier()
.WithSerialNumber(SerialNumber.Create("ABC")) // .WithoutSerialNumber()
.WithoutExpiration() // .ExpiresIn(TimeSpan), .ExpiresOn(DateTime)
.WithProperty("Name", "Bill Gates")
.WithProperty("Company", "Microsoft") //... other key value pairs
Serialize License
The SignedLicense
can be serialized as encrypted base64 encoded string (default):
var encryptedText = license.Serialize();
// 9EHywLc2NNaWIsE39YaAxFbXo7BhhSYxwhZmBJYSAGGxkuEhUj
// Ek8/GhFwSwY7ehk3Sm4+cRk4EFh4GVkydFh0U0NURAZUWBVnbW
// U09vQmM+Tg5SakFmcmxKFWM9YQ4yR2NVSVdidUwnE1BuS0BLeX
// tbU0tifnNDQ25teVZjcXl2H2pQVnk7QEBTC19FXFRGeGs6T1FX
// SUR0YmprFmknHRA5VBpOeUdYHQ==
or as plain text string:
var plainText = license.SerializePlainText();
// 08/28/2017 00:00:00
// 12/31/9999 23:59:59
// Name:Bill Gates
// Company:Microsoft
// A3g2b310qk+7Q86jC2Z890ut2x3TuxxbUd+Xs4fMBRv/HmFl9s
// 9PQV/zEcKM1pcjIuFJ/0YS+bAC22xnnbN2e/SJljYMK5N1J/3g
// NYbvcUa+8qokmGRZZsfnURBcCaRwbQTz4KQvT7kaR+rIwuGXF6
// dpViixIKj6D+618t7BRfY=
Verify License
For deserializing the license, the Lic.Verifier
has to be used. If the license can not be deserialized hor has no valid signature, an exception is thrown.
SignedLicense license = Lic.Verifier
.WithRsaPublicKey(publicKey) // .WithSigner(ISigner)
.WithApplicationCode("ABC") // .WithoutApplicationCode
Create public/private key Pair
A public and private key pair can be generated using the Lic.KeyGenerator
SigningKeyPair pair = Lic.KeyGenerator.GenerateRsaKeyPair();
The hardware identifier is an identifier that derives from 4 characteristics of the computer’s hardware (processor ID, serial number of BIOS and so on). The identifier may look like:
Each characteristic is encoded in one of first 4 parts (8 charachters). The hardware identifier will be accepted if at least 2 of the 4 characteristics are equal. That ensures, that the license doesn’t become invalid if e.g. the processor of the computer changed. The last part (4 characters) is a check sum that can be used to detect errors in the the hardware identifier.
// Create:
string hardwareIdentifier = HardwareIdentifier.ForCurrentComputer();
// Validate Checksum
if (!HardwareIdentifier.IsCheckSumValid(hardwareIdentifier))
Console.WriteLine("Entered hardware identifier has errors.");
// Validate for current computer
if (!HardwareIdentifier.IsValidForCurrentComputer(hardwareIdentifier))
Console.WriteLine("Entered license is not valid for this computer.");
A serial number is an identifier with an alpha-numeric application code (3 character), some random characters and a check sum. It looks like SNXXX-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-ZZZ where XXX is the application code, YYYY is the random part and ZZZ is the check sum. E.g.:
// ABC = application code
string serialNumber = SerialNumber.Create("ABC");
// Validate CheckSum
if (!SerialNumber.IsCheckSumValid(serialNumber))
Console.WriteLine("Entered serial number is not valid.");
ThinkSharp.Licensing is released under The MIT license (MIT)
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Thanks to Peter-B- for simplifying the project structure and improving compatibility to .Net 5.0.
If you like ThinkSharp.Licensing and use it in your project(s), feel free to give me a cup of coffee :)