项目作者: tux-00

项目描述 :
Network Miner generates a network map by sending SNMP requests (LLDP/CDP/EDP).
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/tux-00/network_miner.git
创建时间: 2015-08-05T12:48:00Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Network Miner

Code Climate

Network Miner generates a network map by sending SNMP requests (LLDP/CDP/EDP).

D3.js display

Table of contents:



  • LLDP, EDP or CDP need to be enabled on your SNMP devices.

  • You need a web server with the php snmp plugin/package enabled.

  • SNMP SysName need to be matching with a DNS record.


  • Clone this repository into your sites location (e.g. /var/www/) :

git clone https://github.com/tux-00/network_miner.git

  • Download dependencies :

cd network_miner

bower install

Refer to bower.io for informations about installation.

  • Run index.php in your web browser.


To use the docker image just pull the repository :
docker pull tofu00/network_miner

and run the image :
docker run -d -it -p 80:80 tofu00/network_miner

You can change the port mapping with the -p paramater.

Test files

You can test the Network Miner rendering without the appropriate environment.

To test Network Miner, you need first to overwrite data/snmp_data.json with the content of a test file located in test/data/.

Now comment these lines in data_mining.php to avoid the scan and the overwrite of snmp_data.json:

  1. recursive_search($FIRST_DEVICE, 1);
  2. file_put_contents('./data/snmp_data.json', json_encode(array('nodes' => $nodes,
  3. 'links' => $links)),
  4. LOCK_EX);

JSON data faker

If you want to submit data for testing purpose you can use the json_data_faker.py Python 2.7 script to fake every device names in your JSON file.

To use this script you need to install faker module with pip install fake-factory.

Just put the script at your json files location and execute it: python json_data_faker.py.

The script will scan the current folder, find the json files and replace device names.


  • Get SNMP informations from a specific device
  • Autorefresh map data
  • Save maps as PDF, PNG …
  • Icinga plugin


For more information, see the Wiki section.