Network component: manipulate IP addresses (ipv4, ipv6) in PHP used in the Matomo project
Component providing Network tools.
With Composer:
"require": {
"matomo/network": "*"
To manipulate an IP address, you can use the Matomo\Network\IP
$ip = IP::fromStringIP('');
// IPv6
$ip = IP::fromStringIP('::1');
// In binary format:
$ip = IP::fromBinaryIP("\x7F\x00\x00\x01");
echo $ip->toString(); //
echo $ip->toBinary();
// IPv4 & IPv6
if ($ip instanceof IPv4) {}
if ($ip instanceof IPv6) {}
// Hostname reverse lookup
echo $ip->getHostname();
if ($ip->isInRange('')) {}
if ($ip->isInRange('192.168.*.*')) {}
// Anonymize an IP by setting X bytes to null bytes
The Matomo\Network\IPUtils
class provides utility methods:
echo IPUtils::binaryToStringIP("\x7F\x00\x00\x01");
echo IPUtils::stringToBinaryIP('');
// Sanitization methods
$sanitizedIp = IPUtils::sanitizeIp($_GET['ip']);
$sanitizedIpRange = IPUtils::sanitizeIpRange($_GET['ipRange']);
// IP range
$bounds = IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds('192.168.1.*');
echo $bounds[0]; //
echo $bounds[1]; //
The Network component is released under the LGPL v3.0.