项目作者: geeooff

项目描述 :
Forza Motorsport / Forza Horizon 4 Data-Out feature receiver web application
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/geeooff/forza-data-web.git
创建时间: 2018-07-27T17:36:27Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Forza Data (Web)

Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon real time telemetry receiver programs, with some utility tools.

Based on Turn10 official documentation:

Supported features

Only a console program is available at this moment. It displays live data at 60 Hz.


Data can be recorded using a sample recorder program, and will be replayable at a later date.

Web UI will be supported later, when core functionalities are stable.
It should leverage WebSockets, most probably from SignalR, to receive live or previously-recorded data at 60 Hz.

Protocol compatibility

Sled vs Car Dash

Sled data is for SimRacing motion platforms, so it contains motion values and a few other ones.

Car Dash extends Sled data with car-dashboard related metrics, eg. speed, power, torque, gear, lap times, etc.

To see all available data fields, please have a look on the data structure files:

Game Support

Game Sled Car Dash Horizon extras Motorsport extras
Forza Motorsport 7 Yes Yes N/A N/A[^3]
Forza Horizon 4 Yes[^1] Yes Partial[^2] N/A
Forza Horizon 5 Yes[^1] Yes Partial[^2] N/A
Forza Motorsport (2023) Yes Yes N/A Yes[^4]

[^1]: Forza Horizon enforces Car Dash data type
[^2]: Forza Horizon extra data is not documented. Only the car category (from community assumptions) is decoded. Thanks to them !
[^3]: Forza Motorsport extra data was introduced in 2023 edition, FM7 doesn’t emit such data
[^4]: Forza Motorsport (2023) extra data exposes tire wear and track ID

How to run

Supported operating systems are the same as .NET 8 compatibility : Windows, Linux and macOS.

Prebuilt executables are not yet available in GitHub releases, but it’s really easy to build the source code yourself.


  1. Git to get the source code
  2. .NET 8.0 SDK to build the source code

How to get source code

  1. git clone https://github.com/geeooff/forza-data-web.git
  2. cd forza-data-web

How to enable Data-Out feature in the game

Note for Windows as both game and receiving app:
Only Forza Motorsport (2023) allows to send data to
For earlier games you will need a separate compute to receive the data.

Start the game on your Windows computer or your Xbox.
Go to game options and look for Data Out options :

  1. Data Out IP Address : enter the IP Address of the computer that will run the console program
  2. Data Out IP Port : enter the network port you want to listen on this computer (1024 to 65535)
  3. Data Out Packet Format : if available, choose Car Dash (recommended) or Sled
  4. Data Out : set to ON

How to run the console program

  1. cd Console
  2. dotnet run --server <serverIpAddress> --port <port>


  • -s or --server : the IP Address of your Xbox or Computer that runs the game
  • -p or --port : the network port you chose in the game


For example, if your Xbox or Windows Game Computer has IP Address, and you chose 7777 network port to communicate:

  1. dotnet run --server --port 7777

The console will show RACE or PAUSE in the top left corner if race is on or not.

Note : To quit the program just hit CTRL+C or CTRL+Break.

How to record a sample

  1. cd SampleRecorder
  2. dotnet run --server <serverIpAddress> --port <port> --output <file>


  • -s or --server : the IP Address of your Xbox or Computer that runs the game
  • -p or --port : the network port you chose in-game
  • -o or --output : the output file to record to


  1. dotnet run --server --port 7777 --output sample.bin

Note : If you want to quit the recorder program, just hit CTRL+C or CTRL+Break.
The output file will be deleted if no data is received.