项目作者: alessiabertugli

项目描述 :
PyTorch code for CVIU paper "AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction"
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/alessiabertugli/AC-VRNN.git
创建时间: 2020-02-12T15:37:59Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction

This repository contains the PyTorch code for paper:

AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction
Alessia Bertugli,
Simone Calderara,
Pasquale Coscia,
Lamberto Ballan,
Rita Cucchiara

Model architecture

AC-VRNN is new generative model for multi-future trajectory prediction based on Conditional Variational Recurrent Neural Networks (C-VRNNs). Conditioning relies on prior belief maps, representing most likely moving directions and forcing the model to consider the collective agents’ motion. Human interactions are modeled in a structured way with a graph attention mechanism, providing an online attentive hidden state refinement of the recurrent estimation.

ac-vrnn - overview


  • Python >= 3.8
  • PyTorch >= 1.5
  • CUDA 10.0



A) SGAN/STAGT dataset version.

B) SR_LSTM version (only Biwi Eth annotations are changed).

C) Social Ways version —> to obtain the dataset take Social-Ways data and use dataset_processing/process_sways.py to process the data for this code.

  1. SDD

Download TrajNet benchmark, take training data and use dataset_processing/split_sdd.py to process the data for this code.

Belief Maps

To obtain belief maps for each dataset use dataset_processing/heatmap.py. Two stages are required:

  1. Generate statistics to compute the coarse of the global grid.
    They are obtained calling computemean_displacement[dataset_name] function.
  2. Generate belief maps for each dataset calling computelocal_heatmaps[dataset_name].

Training the model

To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/train.py on ETH/UCY A and B giving it the correct paths. Set model=’gat’.

To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/train_dsways.py on ETH/UCY C. Set model=’gat’.

To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/train_sdd.py on SDD.

Evaluating the model

To evaluate the model call utils/evaluate_model.py setting the correct paths, and load the dataset you want to test.


If you have any questions, please contact alessia.bertugli@unitn.it or alessia.bertugli@unimore.it, or open an issue on this repo.

If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite the following paper:

  1. @article{Bertugli2021-acvrnn,
  2. title = {AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction},
  3. journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
  4. pages = {103245},
  5. year = {2021},
  6. issn = {1077-3142},
  7. doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2021.103245},
  8. url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1077314221000898},
  9. author = {Alessia Bertugli and Simone Calderara and Pasquale Coscia and Lamberto Ballan and Rita Cucchiara},
  10. keywords = {Trajectory forecasting, Multi-future prediction, Time series, Variational recurrent neural networks, Graph attention networks}
  11. }