PyTorch code for CVIU paper "AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction"
This repository contains the PyTorch code for paper:
AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction
Alessia Bertugli,
Simone Calderara,
Pasquale Coscia,
Lamberto Ballan,
Rita Cucchiara
AC-VRNN is new generative model for multi-future trajectory prediction based on Conditional Variational Recurrent Neural Networks (C-VRNNs). Conditioning relies on prior belief maps, representing most likely moving directions and forcing the model to consider the collective agents’ motion. Human interactions are modeled in a structured way with a graph attention mechanism, providing an online attentive hidden state refinement of the recurrent estimation.
A) SGAN/STAGT dataset version.
B) SR_LSTM version (only Biwi Eth annotations are changed).
C) Social Ways version —> to obtain the dataset take Social-Ways data and use dataset_processing/ to process the data for this code.
Download TrajNet benchmark, take training data and use dataset_processing/ to process the data for this code.
To obtain belief maps for each dataset use dataset_processing/ Two stages are required:
To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/ on ETH/UCY A and B giving it the correct paths. Set model=’gat’.
To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/ on ETH/UCY C. Set model=’gat’.
To train AC-VRNN use models/graph/ on SDD.
To evaluate the model call utils/ setting the correct paths, and load the dataset you want to test.
If you have any questions, please contact or, or open an issue on this repo.
If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite the following paper:
title = {AC-VRNN: Attentive Conditional-VRNN for multi-future trajectory prediction},
journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
pages = {103245},
year = {2021},
issn = {1077-3142},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Alessia Bertugli and Simone Calderara and Pasquale Coscia and Lamberto Ballan and Rita Cucchiara},
keywords = {Trajectory forecasting, Multi-future prediction, Time series, Variational recurrent neural networks, Graph attention networks}