项目作者: ibarrond

项目描述 :
Deep Neural Networks implemented from scratch. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) implemented using Tensowflow.
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/ibarrond/DeepLearning.git
创建时间: 2017-03-30T07:05:54Z

开源协议:MIT License



Collection of Deep Learning approaches, starting from simple Neural Network architectures and pursuing with contemporary and state-of-the-art practices and models.

Notebook Description
NeuralNetwork_MNIST NNet class implementation from scratch, allowing for flexible definition and training/evaluation of conventional neural networks (MLP).
ConvolutionalNN_MNIST CNNet function implementation based on Tensorflow, implementing a generalized model to use such library as well as the LeNet5 model.
LSTMNetwork RNN Recurrent Neural Network using Long-Short-Term-Memories to predict the next word in a text, and eventually create stories from a single sentence

All notebooks follow a general structure:

  1. Data import and descriptive analytics (often using the MNIST dataset)
  2. Implementation of a somewhat simple model and initial testing
  3. Implementation of the advanced model and exhaustive testing
  4. Parameter tuning and further improvements


  • Language: Python over Jupyter Notebooks.
  • Execution: local in a PC with Anaconda
  • Libraries: tensorflow, numpy, matplotlib



Deep Learning is a new approach in Machine Learning which allows to build models that have shown superior performance fora wide range of applications, in particular Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Thanks to the joint availability of large data corpus and affordable processing power, Deep Learning has revived the old field of Artificial Neural Networks and provoked the “Renaissance” of AI (Artificial Intelligence). The present notebooks will address this topic, implementing from scratch and using well known libraries, Deep Neural Networks.

Sources and acknowledgments

The initial assignments come from the course in DeepLearning taught in EURECOM by Bernoit Huet

The notebooks have been crafted mainly by their authors, following well known open source documentation for the different libraries used and the material from the course.

The notebooks are based on publicly available data.


MIT Free software