An IMO coordinated project developing a generic Maritime Single Window.
This generic MSW will perform different basic tasks within the realm of ship reporting and information exchange. The MSW is not customized to any particular country, but it is is designed to be universally applicable, providing basic services that support clearance processes for any country seeking to meet international obligations. This ensures compliance with global maritime standards, making it a reliable and scalable solution for maritime authorities.
These instructions will get you a copy of the MSW (client and server) up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. The project is compatible with Windows and Ubuntu. Please follow the specific guide for your operating system.
For setting up the Azure infrastructure and deploying the app, terraform files and Github Actions YAML files are provided in the repository. Instructions for using these files can be found in our Wiki.
For any inquiries, please contact Jarle Hauge, Principal Engineer at the Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket). Jarle is active both nationally and internationally within the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Before you start, ensure Docker is installed on your machine:
Clone the MSW repository to your local machine:
git clone
docker -v
sudo docker -v
is located (under /IMO-Maritime-Single-Window):
├── BuildFrontend.bat
├── IMOMaritimeSingleWindow
│ ├── Client
│ ├── Database
│ ├──
│ ├── Server
│ ├── docker-compose.yaml
│ └── package-lock.json
cd IMOMaritimeSingleWindow
wsl -v # Check WSL version
docker -v # Check Docker version
cd IMOMaritimeSingleWindow
docker compose up
sudo docker compose up
docker compose up
This command builds and starts all necessary services as defined in docker-compose.yaml
, including the client interface, server application, and PostgreSQL database. This process may take some time during the initial setup, as it executes the SQL script to populate the database.
To monitor and debug, open another CLI window and list all running containers:
docker ps
This displays each container’s ID, which you need to view specific logs.
To check logs for individual services, use:
docker logs <CONTAINER ID>
For instance, to monitor the frontend service, look for logs from imomaritimesinglewindow-frontend.devcontainer-1
. The setup is complete when you see “Compiled successfully” in the logs.
Navigate to the following URL in a web browser to access the MSW interface:
The frontend development environment is set up to automatically reflect changes you make in real time. As you edit and save your code in the Client/src/app
, the Docker Compose service named frontend.devcontainer
is configured to update automatically. This feature ensures a seamless development experience by reloading changes live as long as the Docker Compose session is active.
To enable the watch functionality, which monitors file changes and updates the service accordingly, please open a new terminal, navigate to the project directory, and execute the following command:
docker compose watch
To verify that the watch feature is working, make a change to the login header in the login.component.html file. For instance, modify the text inside a heading tag and save the file. The updates should appear automatically in the frontend served at http://localhost:4200
, reflecting the changes without needing to manually restart the service.
When you need to remove all containers, use:
docker compose down
To remove all containers, networks, and volumes:
docker compose down --volumes