项目作者: MrDywar
项目描述 :
Ecommerce cart service (web api)
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/MrDywar/cart-service.git
Product model
class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Cost { get; set; }
public bool ForBonusPoints { get; set; }
Implement CartService
Stack: Asp Net Core 3.1 WEB Api + storage of choice Redis / Sql Server + Dapper
- Add / remove an arbitrary number of products
- Store basket data for 30 days
- The ability to register web hooks that need to be pulled when the basket is deleted after the expiration of the storage period
- once a day generate and save a report (txt / pdf / excel to choose from), which will indicate:
- how many baskets
- how many of them contain products for points
- how many baskets expire within 10/20/30 days
- average check basket
- no validation
- no tests
- no additional indexes on DB (LatestUpdatedOn for search, ProductId+ShoppingCartId for unique constraint)