lightning network poker draft
lightning network poker draft.
First of all I must say that I am not a professional programmer and English is not my native language. I do this to learn and as a hobby and as a way to contribute to the community.
I am also a poker player, a very bad one.
After a long time as a poker player and passionate about the possibilities offered by the blockchain technology, I have identified certain characteristics that traditional gaming platforms do not satisfy in my opinion
Provide a place for discussion and exchange of ideas, unify the effort to try to develop software that meets the characteristics that do not meet traditional gaming platforms.
Any contribution is well received, I will try to make this space as open as possible.
1º An uncesorable and unstopable poker software build on top of the lightning network technology.
2º A random and verifiable way to generate the deals of the deck.
3º No need to deliver your money in advance.
4º Quick transactions to make chip payments in game (btc, no token).