Network of Corona infections in Finland
A dashboard on a map using Corona infection data
Features network graph on a map and time series plotting
Picture Updated: 14.3.2020
This is a network graph to inspect how the Corona infections spread from person to person in Finland. It also includes plots showing the active cases through time
by health care district and origin of the infection.
This graph uses HS’s Corona open data API (
Python 3 (tested with 3.6.6)
Bokeh (tested with 1.4.0)
NetworkX (tested with 2.4)
Pandas (tested with 1.0.0)
Numpy (tested with 1.18.1)
The background map is from Maanmittauslaitos (
If suggestions, please feel free to contact me via In case you find this useful and decide to use this visualization somewhere, I would highly appreciate crediting.
Author: Mikael Koli