项目作者: vitalievich
项目描述 :
App for store short private secrets without Internet. Win.,Android, ios
项目地址: git://github.com/vitalievich/SecretsStore.git
Win# SecretsStore
App for store short private secrets without Internet. Win.,Android, ios
Application “Secrets Store” is for storing passwors, pin codes and another short private text information.
- Simple
- Auto generate new password
- Copy hidden password to clipboard.
- Syncronization data between devices with the same application and same master password
- Application DONT use Internet, clouds. Data transfer only through local network (WIFI or Lan)
- Available For Windows 10 (UWP), Windows 7 and higher, Android (API 21 Lollipop and higher) and IOS
- Data encrypted by AES.
- Languages: English (def), Russian
For Winsows 7 and higher version requires .NET Framework 4.7.1 preinstalled