Demonstrates usage of (original Ruby) PACT on .Net Core 2.3. Working broker and PACT uploading script.
Time passes, things changes.. I updated this old .Net Core to .Net 8 and Pact 5.0.0-beta2 Nuget. Many things changed in pact, however idea stays the same.
1) Install, configure and run Pact broker on localhost (or anywhere) from the DockerHub (, using docker compose. There are 3 images there - Postgres db, ngnix and pact-broker itself. There is need to do some simple setup like Postgres password etc.
I have run it on localhost :
Check if broker is working via browser :
2) Run Consumer tests in VS
After a run a pact json file is created in folder : …\pact-demo-netcore2\consumers\Pact.Consumer.MVC\Pact.Consumer.MVC.PactTests\bin\pacts.
Remember the pact appends to the file (probably cause several concurrent xUnit processes (tests) to be running in parallel), so its worth to delete the file before a new run for new upload.
3) Upload a pact file to Pact broker
The Powershell script from there doesn’t work anymore with new broker, so I just upload it manually by Postman… First, just CTRL-C all the content of pact json file from step 2 and do a base64 from it (ie via some online converter), then you can just paste it to the request body, increment ‘pacticipantVersionNumber’, branch, tags, etc and upload by HTTP Post (adjust authorization if you set it on step 1, I didn’t)
4) Run tests on Provider side
You can upload your pact’s to broker ( by using upload.ps1 script.
(\consumers\Pact.Consumer.MVC\Pact.Consumer.MVC.PactTests.\upload.ps1 branch-name version)
Build at least consumer solution first (Pact.Consumer.MVC) for create a Pact artifact file.
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