项目作者: royto

项目描述 :
Kalliope neuron for netatmo
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/royto/kalliope_neuron_netatmo.git
创建时间: 2018-11-04T21:36:51Z

开源协议:MIT License




This neuron allows to control your netatmo devices.
Only energy devices are currently supported

You’ll need a netatmo account and developer id to use the module.
See Getting the Netatmo developper id on how to do it.


  1. kalliope install --git-url https://github.com/royto/kalliope_neuron_netatmo.git


Allows to change thermostat mode (schedule, away or frost guard)


parameter required type default choices comment
homeId YES String None id of the home
thermMode YES String None schedule or away or hg The mode to set

Return Values

No return Yet

Name Description Type sample

Synapses example

  1. - name: "netatmo-therm-away"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Set thermostat mode to away"
  4. neurons:
  5. - netatmo:
  6. clientId: "XXX"
  7. clientSecret: "XXX"
  8. username: "XXX@gmail.com"
  9. password: "XXX"
  10. action: "CHANGE_MODE"
  11. homeId: "XXX"
  12. thermMode: "away"
  13. say_template:
  14. - "Thermostat set to mode away"


Allows to get thermostat status


parameter required type default choices comment
homeId YES String None id of the home

Return Values

Home status.

Name Description Type sample
rooms list of rooms dict of Rooms
Name Description Type sample
id id of the room Number 12345
name Name of the room String Kitchen
reachable False if none of the module of the room are reachable Boolean True
currentTemp Current temperature of the room float 21
mode Current Mode (manual, max, off, schedule, away, hg) String Schedule
wantedTemp Wanted temperature in the room float 22.5

Synapses example

  1. - name: "netatmo-therm"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "What is the temperature in the house"
  4. neurons:
  5. - netatmo:
  6. clientId: "XXX"
  7. clientSecret: "XXX"
  8. username: "XXX@XXX.com"
  9. password: "XXX"
  10. action: "GET_STATUS"
  11. homeId: "XXX"
  12. file_template: "templates/home_status.j2"

The template defined in the templates/home_status.j2

  1. {% for room in rooms %}
  2. {{ room['name'] }} is at {{ room['currentTemp'] }} celcius degree.
  3. Wanted tempetaure is {{ room['wantedTemp'] }}.
  4. {% endfor %}


Allows to change temperature of a rooom


parameter required type default choices comment
homeId YES String None id of the home
roomId YES String None id of the room
temp YES float None the temperature to set

Return Values

No value returned.

Synapses example

  1. - name: "netatmo-set-temp"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Set temperature to 20 in the living room"
  4. neurons:
  5. - netatmo:
  6. clientId: "XXX"
  7. clientSecret: "XXX"
  8. username: "XXX"
  9. password: "XXX"
  10. action: "SET_TEMP"
  11. homeId: "XXX"
  12. temp: 20
  13. say_template: "Temperature changed"


Cancel the temperature set for a room and use scheduled temperature.


parameter required type default choices comment
homeId YES String None id of the home
roomId YES String None id of the room

Return Values

No value returned.

Synapses example

  1. - name: "netatmo-cancel-temp"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Cancel boost mode in the living room"
  4. neurons:
  5. - netatmo:
  6. clientId: "XXX"
  7. clientSecret: "XXX"
  8. username: "XXX"
  9. password: "XXX"
  10. action: "CANCEL_SET_TEMP"
  11. homeId: "XXXX"
  12. roomId: "XXX"
  13. say_template: "Boost mode canceled"


ALlows to switch the selected scheduled.


parameter required type default choices comment
homeId YES String None id of the home
scheduleId YES String None id of the schedule

Return Values

No value returned.

Synapses example

  1. - name: "netatmo-switch-schedule"
  2. signals:
  3. - order: "Switch to schedule holidays"
  4. neurons:
  5. - netatmo:
  6. clientId: "XXX"
  7. clientSecret: "XXX"
  8. username: "XXX"
  9. password: "XXX"
  10. action: "SWITCH_SCHEDULE"
  11. homeId: "XXXX"
  12. scheduleId: "XXX"
  13. say_template: "Scheduled changed"

Getting the Netatmo developper id

Connect to the Netatmo connect website https://dev.netatmo.com/myaccount/ and create an app. Save the clientId and clientSecret automatically generated by Netatmo.

Getting HomeId, roomId, scheduleId for thermostat synapses

First you need to get a token. You need to use the oauth2 endpoint accessible at https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/token.

Choose x-www-form-urlencoded as Content-type, set grant-type to password, scope to read_thermostat write_thermostat (you can add more if needed if you have others netatmo products) and fill username, password, client_id and client_secret with your account info.

Get token request

You get a response in JSON format containing a property access_token.

Get token response

Now you need to call the HomeData endpoint to get information about your home data.

Get home data request

Here how to get the needed values to use the energy API

  • homeId: body.homes[homeIndex].id
  • roomId: body.homes[homeIndex].romms[roomIndex].id
  • homeId: body.homes[homeIndex].shedules[scheduleIndex].id

Getting Weather Station Device id

Go to the weather app on the netatmo portal

Click on the settings button.

Scroll to MAC Address

weather device id