项目作者: checktor

项目描述 :
Keras runtime visualisation.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/checktor/keruvi.git
创建时间: 2020-12-16T14:15:32Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


keruvi (Keras runtime visualisation)

Runtime visualisation of TensorFlow Keras model training with Node.js.


The example models in model directory may require further packages, i.e.:


TensorFlow libraries for Python can be installed via pip. If necessary, install python3 and python3-pip packages first.

  1. # sudo apt install python3
  2. # sudo apt install python3-pip
  3. pip3 install tensorflow

Node project dependencies (e.g. Express framework) can be installed via npm. If necessary, install Node.js and npm first. See https://nodejs.org/en/ and https://www.npmjs.com/ for details.

  1. # install Node.js and npm
  2. cd server/
  3. npm i --production


During training of Keras models, metrics can be received via Keras callbacks. Use custom KeruviRemoteMonitor callback to send runtime data to a Node server which is able to visualize current training status. Start this server as follows:

  1. cd server/
  2. npm run start

By default, the server will be accessible via port 3000. Use environment variable KERUVI_PORT to change this behavior.

Connect specific Keras model to visualisation server using KeruviRemoteMonitor. In the following example, the callback instance is configured with server URL http://localhost:3000 and ID boston:

  1. from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
  2. from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop
  3. from callback.remote_monitor import KeruviRemoteMonitor
  4. # Create model.
  5. model = Sequential()
  6. # Add Keras layers as desired.
  7. # ...
  8. # Build model.
  9. model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(learning_rate=0.01), loss='mse')
  10. # Train model using custom Keras callback.
  11. monitor = KeruviRemoteMonitor(root='http://localhost:3000', model_id='boston')
  12. model.fit(
  13. your_training_data,
  14. your_training_labels,
  15. epochs=200,
  16. batch_size=16,
  17. validation_split=0.2,
  18. callbacks=[monitor],
  19. verbose=0
  20. )

To get corresponding training metrics, e.g. for each epoch (on_epoch_end callback functionality), visit URL http://localhost:3000/epoch/boston. This endpoint is configured to be used as an EventSource:

  1. let oEventSource = new EventSource('epoch/boston');
  2. oEventSource.onmessage = function(oEvent) {
  3. // Update visualisation.
  4. // ...
  5. }

See https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/callbacks/Callback for more informationen concerning Keras callbacks. Sample models using a custom Keras callback can be found in model folder. Run corresponding _example.py scripts for testing, e.g. boston_housing_example.py to train a model using the Boston Housing dataset. Currently, trainable example models for the following datasets are provided: