项目作者: habom2310
项目描述 :
Some examples of playing with Xbee
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/habom2310/Xbee-examples-python.git
Some examples of playing with Xbee

- Internet-of-thing or IOT is becoming essential in the modern life. It’s fun and enthusiastic to programme something that can automatically do something without interferences of human.
- Xbee devices provide a comprehensive way to control devices from family scale to industrial scale. It’s an easy-to-use wireless communication module that can be programmed or controlled with external microcontrollers. I myself find it interesting and enthusiastic when playing with this XBee devices. Therefore I want to share my joyness to all of you through this very simple example.

I’m just an user of Xbee, not a commercial agent
- Connect XBee devices to your computer through USB.
- Open XCTU and connect serial with XBee devices and configuration them to be in the same network. See how to use XCTU —>here<—.
- Run
python connect.py
, select the serial port of another XBee and connect to it. - Here are things you can do:
- Send messages broadcast to all other XBees in the same network.
- Connect a led to DIO12. Press ‘toggle’ to turn it on/off for 10 times.
- Connect the DTH11 to the DIO3. Press ‘read t’ to get the temperature.
- Connect a led to DIO4. In XCTU, send a message to the XBee connected to the app. The message will be shown in the text area and also trigger a callback that respectively turn on/off leds in DIO12 and DIO4.
- This is just a very simple example to understand the XBee. A lot of interesting things can be developed in the future.
- Any new idea is welcome, contact me at khanhhanguyen2310@gmail.com