项目作者: lightonai

项目描述 :
Double Descent Curve with Optical Random Features
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/lightonai/double-descent-curve.git
创建时间: 2020-01-13T12:51:58Z



Double Descent Curve

This is the code to reproduce Figure 5 and 6 of @LightOnIO/beyond-overfitting-and-beyond-silicon-the-double-descent-curve-18b6d9810e1b">“The double descent risk curve” blog post on Medium.

This script recovers the double descent curve using random projections plus the RidgeClassifier from scikit-learn.
It is possible to choose between a synthetic optical processing unit (OPU) and the real OPU.
To request access to our cloud and try our optics-based hardware, contact us: https://www.lighton.ai/contact-us/

Access to Optical Processing Units

To request access to LightOn Cloud and try our photonic co-processor, please visit: https://cloud.lighton.ai/

For researchers, we also have a LightOn Cloud for Research program, please visit https://cloud.lighton.ai/lighton-research/ for more information.

Run the experiments

  1. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py # to use synthetic opu on mnist
  2. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py -dataset 'cifar10' # to use synthetic opu on cifar10
  3. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py -is_real_opu True # to use opu on mnist with threshold encoder
  4. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py -is_real_opu True -encoding_method 'autoencoder' # to use opu on mnist with autoencoder
  5. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py -is_real_opu True -dataset 'cifar10' # to use opu on cifar10 with threshold encoder
  6. python ddc_ridgeclassifier.py -is_real_opu True -encoding_method 'autoencoder' -dataset 'cifaro10'# to use opu on cifar10 with autoencoder

Running ddc_ridgeclassifier.py outputs a .pkl file. To plot the results using this file look at the plot.ipynb example.