项目作者: czhang99

项目描述 :
Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks (ACL'19) https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.09471
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/czhang99/Capsule-NLU.git
创建时间: 2019-07-08T02:26:52Z



Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks

This project provides tools for joint slot filling and intent detection via Capsule Neural Networks.

Details about Capsule-NLU can be accessed here, and the implementation is based on the Tensorflow library.


For training, a GPU is recommended to accelerate the training speed.


The code is based on Tensorflow 1.5. You can find installation instructions here.


The code is written in Python 3.5. Its dependencies are summarized in the file requirements.txt.





You can install these dependencies like this:

  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Run the full model on SNIPS-NLU dataset with default hyperparameter settings

    python3 train.py --dataset=snips

    Try run without early-stop
    python3 train.py --dataset=snips --no_early_stop --max_epochs=60

  • Run the model without re-routing on SNIPS-NLU dataset

    python3 train.py --dataset=snips --model_type=without_rerouting

  • For all available hyperparameter settings, use

    python3 train.py -h



Each dataset is a folder under the ./data folder, where each sub-folder indicates a train/valid/test split:

  1. ./data
  2. └── snips
  3. ├── test
  4. ├── label
  5. ├── seq.in
  6. └── seq.out
  7. ├── train
  8. ├── label
  9. ├── seq.in
  10. └── seq.out
  11. └── valid
  12. ├── label
  13. ├── seq.in
  14. └── seq.out

In each sub-folder,

  • label file contains the intent label.

    e.g. AddToPlaylist

  • seq.in file contains utterances as the input sequences. Each line indicates one utterance and words are separated by a single space.

    e.g. add sabrina salerno to the grime instrumentals playlist

  • seq.out file contains ground truth slot labels. Each line indicates a sequence of slot labels and the BIO tagging scheme) is used.

    e.g. O B-artist I-artist O O B-playlist I-playlist O

Work on your own data

Prepare and organize your dataset in a folder according to the format and put it under ./data/ and use --dataset=foldername during training.

For example, your dataset is ./data/mydata, then you need to use the flag --dataset=mydata for train.py.

Your dataset should be seperated to three folders - train, test, and valid, which is named ‘train’, ‘test’, and ‘valid’ by default setting of train.py.
Each of these folders contain three files - word sequence, slot label, and intent label, which is named ‘seq.in’, ‘seq.out’, and ‘label’ by default setting of train.py.


Slot (F1) Intent (Acc) Overall (Acc) Slot (F1) Intent (Acc) Overall (Acc)
CNN TriCRF - - - 0.944 - -
Joint Seq 0.873 0.969 0.732 0.942 0.926 0.807
Attention BiRNN 0.878 0.967 0.741 0.942 0.911 0.789
Slot-Gated Full Atten. 0.888 0.970 0.755 0.948 0.936 0.822
DR-AGG - 0.966 - - 0.914 -
IntentCapsNet - 0.974 - - 0.948 -
Capsule-NLU (our) 0.918 0.973 0.809 0.952 0.950 0.834






  1. @inproceedings{zhang2019joint,
  2. title={Joint slot filling and intent detection via capsule neural networks},
  3. author={Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Yaliang and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Yu, Philip S},
  4. booktitle={Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
  5. year={2019}
  6. }