Telstra Programmable Network SDK - Bash Library
This is a Bash client script for accessing Telstra Programmable Network API service.
The script uses cURL underneath for making all REST calls.
# Make sure the script has executable rights
$ chmod u+x TelstraTPN
# Print the list of operations available on the service
$ ./TelstraTPN -h
# Print the service description
$ ./TelstraTPN --about
# Print detailed information about specific operation
$ ./TelstraTPN <operationId> -h
# Make GET request
./TelstraTPN --host http://<hostname>:<port> --accept xml <operationId> <queryParam1>=<value1> <header_key1>:<header_value2>
# Make GET request using arbitrary curl options (must be passed before <operationId>) to an SSL service using username:password
TelstraTPN -k -sS --tlsv1.2 --host https://<hostname> -u <user>:<password> --accept xml <operationId> <queryParam1>=<value1> <header_key1>:<header_value2>
# Make POST request
$ echo '<body_content>' | TelstraTPN --host <hostname> --content-type json <operationId> -
# Make POST request with simple JSON content, e.g.:
# {
# "key1": "value1",
# "key2": "value2",
# "key3": 23
# }
$ echo '<body_content>' | TelstraTPN --host <hostname> --content-type json <operationId> key1==value1 key2=value2 key3:=23 -
# Preview the cURL command without actually executing it
$ TelstraTPN --host http://<hostname>:<port> --dry-run <operationid>
You can easily create a Docker image containing a preconfigured environment
for using the REST Bash client including working autocompletion and short
welcome message with basic instructions, using the generated Dockerfile:
docker build -t my-rest-client .
docker run -it my-rest-client
By default you will be logged into a Zsh environment which has much more
advanced auto completion, but you can switch to Bash, where basic autocompletion
is also available.
The generated bash-completion script can be either directly loaded to the current Bash session using:
source TelstraTPN.bash-completion
Alternatively, the script can be copied to the /etc/bash-completion.d
(or on OSX with Homebrew to /usr/local/etc/bash-completion.d
sudo cp TelstraTPN.bash-completion /etc/bash-completion.d/TelstraTPN
On OSX you might need to install bash-completion using Homebrew:
brew install bash-completion
and add the following to the ~/.bashrc
if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion ]; then
. $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
In Zsh, the generated _TelstraTPN
Zsh completion file must be copied to one of the folders under $FPATH
All URIs are relative to **
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AuthenticationApi | authGeneratetokenPost | POST /1.0.0/auth/generatetoken | Create an authentication token |
AuthenticationApi | authValidatetokenGet | GET /1.0.0/auth/validatetoken | Validate authentication token |
ContractsApi | inventoryLinksContractByLinkidAndContractidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/links/{linkid}/contract/{contractid} | Get active Contract by ContractID |
ContractsApi | inventoryLinksContractByLinkidAndContractidPut | PUT /1.0.0/inventory/links/{linkid}/contract/{contractid} | Update active Contract by ContractID |
ContractsApi | inventoryLinksContractByLinkidPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/links/{linkid}/contract | Create new Contract on specified link |
CustomersApi | accountByCustomeruuidGet | GET /1.0.0/account/{customeruuid} | Get account information details |
CustomersApi | accountUserByCustomeruuidGet | GET /1.0.0/account/{customeruuid}/user | List users |
DatacentresApi | inventoryDatacentersGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/datacenters | Get list of all the data centers |
EndpointsApi | eis100EndpointsAssignTopologyTagByEndpointuuidPost | POST /eis/1.0.0/endpoints/{endpointuuid}/assign_topology_tag | Assign a Topology Tag to an Endpoint |
EndpointsApi | inventoryEndpointByEndpointuuidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/endpoint/{endpointuuid} | Get information about the specified endpoint |
EndpointsApi | inventoryEndpointsCustomeruuidByCustomeruuidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/endpoints/customeruuid/{customeruuid} | Get list of endpoints for a customer |
EndpointsApi | inventoryRegularendpointPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/regularendpoint | Create Physical (Port) Endpoint |
EndpointsApi | inventoryVnfendpointPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/vnfendpoint | Create VNF Endpoint |
LinksApi | inventoryLinkPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/link | Create Link and initial Contract |
LinksApi | inventoryLinksByLinkidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/links/{linkid} | Get details of specified link |
LinksApi | inventoryLinksCustomerByCustomeruuidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/links/customer/{customeruuid} | Get active Links |
LinksApi | inventoryLinksHistoryByLinkidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/links/history/{linkid} | Get Link history |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagByTopotaguuidDelete | DELETE /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag/{topotaguuid}/ | Delete a topology tag |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagByTopotaguuidGet | GET /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag/{topotaguuid}/ | Get information about the specified topology tag |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagByTopotaguuidPut | PUT /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag/{topotaguuid}/ | Update a topology tag’s name and/or description |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagGet | GET /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag | List all topology tags |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagObjectsByTopotaguuidGet | GET /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag/{topotaguuid}/objects/ | List objects for Topology |
TopologiesApi | ttms100TopologyTagPost | POST /ttms/1.0.0/topology_tag | Create a named topology tag |
VnfsApi | marketplaceImageGet | GET /1.0.0/marketplace/image | List images in the Marketplace |
VportsApi | inventoryRegularvportPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/regularvport | Create VPort for physical endpoint |
VportsApi | inventoryVnfVportPost | POST /1.0.0/inventory/vnf/vport | Create VNF VPort |
VportsApi | inventoryVportByVportuuidGet | GET /1.0.0/inventory/vport/{vportuuid} | Get information about the specified VPort |