Cellular Automaton using a Boolean Network.
This project is a Cellular Automaton using a Boolean Network.
You can play with a hosted version at https://brandongioggia.com/cells.html
Boolean networks consist of a bunch of nodes that can either be on or off. In discrete time,
these nodes turn themselves on or off based on the states of other cells that they have relationships
A cellular automaton is just a boolean network on a grid of cells. Each cell has relationships to its
4 neighboring cells. These realtionships will determine whether the cell will turn on or off in the next
For example: If our rule set is 1:On, 2:Off
Any cell with exactly 1 neighbor that is on will turn on in the next step.
Any cell with exactly 2 neighbors that are on will turn off in the next step.
These networks are interesting because they can be used to simulate some biological processes.
Among the biological processes these simulations can be used to better understand are the color changing
skin of some cephalopods, and way plants intake, and lose, gases.