项目作者: TSNobleSoftware

项目描述 :
Declarative assertions for AWS
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/TSNobleSoftware/awssert.git
创建时间: 2021-04-05T12:19:46Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



GitHub Workflow Status
PyPI - Python Version
Code style: black

AWSsert is a Python library providing declarative assertions about AWS resources to your tests.


Use the package manager pip to install AWSsert.

  1. pip install awssert


Installing the package will make AWSserts extra assertions available to all of your tests. Assertions are attached directly to boto3 resource objects, allowing you to write clean and declarative tests:

  1. import boto3
  2. def test_bucket_contains_object():
  3. bucket = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket("foo")
  4. assert bucket.should_not.contain("bar")
  5. bucket.put_object(Key="bar", Body=b"123")
  6. assert bucket.should.contain("bar")

AWSsert also works in tandem with moto, enabling the same level of clarity to be applied on mock infrastructure:

  1. import boto3
  2. from moto import mock_s3
  3. @mock_s3
  4. def test_mock_bucket_contains_object():
  5. bucket = boto3.resource("s3").Bucket("foo")
  6. assert bucket.should_not.contain("bar")
  7. bucket.put_object(Key="bar", Body=b"123")
  8. assert bucket.should.contain("bar")


AWS Service Resource Object AWSsert Supported
CloudFormation Event :x:
Stack :x:
StackResource :x:
StackResourceSummary :x:
CloudWatch Alarm :x:
Metric :x:
DynamoDB Table :white_check_mark:
EC2 ClassicAddress :x:
DhcpOptions :x:
Image :x:
Instance :x:
InternetGateway :x:
KeyPair :x:
KeyPairInfo :x:
NetworkAcl :x:
NetworkInterface :x:
NetworkInterfaceAssociation :x:
PlacementGroup :x:
Route :x:
RouteTable :x:
RouteTableAssociation :x:
SecurityGroup :x:
Snapshot :x:
Subnet :x:
Tag :x:
Volume :x:
Vpc :x:
VpcPeeringConnection :x:
VpcAddress :x:
Glacier Account :x:
Archive :x:
Job :x:
MultipartUpload :x:
Notification :x:
Vault :x:
IAM AccessKey :x:
AccessKeyPair :x:
AccountPasswordPolicy :x:
AccountSummary :x:
AssumeRolePolicy :x:
CurrentUser :x:
Group :white_check_mark:
GroupPolicy :x:
InstanceProfile :x:
LoginProfile :x:
MfaDevice :x:
Policy :white_check_mark:
PolicyVersion :x:
Role :white_check_mark:
RolePolicy :x:
SamlProvider :x:
ServerCertificate :x:
SigningCertificate :x:
User :white_check_mark:
UserPolicy :x:
VirtualMfaDevice :x:
OpsWorks Layer :x:
Stack :x:
StackSummary :x:
S3 Bucket :white_check_mark:
BucketAcl :x:
BucketCors :x:
BucketLifecycle :x:
BucketLifecycleConfiguration :x:
BucketLogging :x:
BucketNotification :x:
BucketPolicy :x:
BucketRequestPayment :x:
BucketTagging :x:
BucketVersioning :x:
BucketWebsite :x:
MultipartUpload :x:
MultipartUploadPart :x:
Object :x:
ObjectAcl :x:
ObjectSummary :x:
ObjectVersion :x:
SNS PlatformApplication :x:
PlatformEndpoint :x:
Subscription :x:
Topic :white_check_mark:
SQS Message :x:
Queue :x:


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

A full contribution guide and code of conduct are supplied with the repository. In essence, update the unit tests and changelog, and treat fellow users with respect!


Apache Software License 2.0