项目作者: Krasivaya

项目描述 :
Tracks👣 is a web application for institutions to manage their students attendance, i.e students need to sigin to send their request to their corresponding teacher for them to be approved depending on the time it was send at and if you were there physically. (Live site is down below)
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Krasivaya/Tracks.git
创建时间: 2019-11-13T18:35:44Z




Developed By



Tracks👣 is a web application for institutions to manage their students attendance,
i.e students need to sigin to send their request to their corresponding teacher
for them to be approved depending on the time it was send at and if you were there

User story:

  • As a student, I can be able to see all my weekly attendance
  • As a student, I should signup/sign-in to send a request whether I am present or absent
  • As a student, I should be able to view my own profile
  • As a teacher, I should be able to send a link to invite a student to my class
  • As a teacher, I should be able to approve if a student is present or absent
  • As a teacher, I should be able to view a form of all my students

Technologies Used

  1. Python3.6
  2. Virtualenv
  3. Django
  4. HTML
  5. Bootsrap & CSS
  6. Git Version Control
  7. Heruko

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Open your terminal
  • initialize github, git clone https://github.com/Krasivaya/Tracks.git
  • cd Tracks
  • open folder in prefered IDE
  • open terminal
  • Install virtualenv python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual
  • Activate virtual envirnoment source virtual/bin/activate
  • Install latest pip curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
  • Install all requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run in terminal python3.6 manage.py runserver
  • Run the application in your localhost provided

Known Bugs

No bug known. If you found any, please contact!


Email: semwagacarine@gmail.com

Live site



This project is under the MIT license.