Thanos' DICOM package
Simple manipulation of DICOM images. Wrapper to python’s pydicom package. Intended for self-use.
In order to get the best results please follow the suggested directory structure:
| |__random_dicom_folder1
| | |__compressed_image1.dcm
| | |__compressed_image2.dcm
| | |__ ...
| |__random_dicom_folder2
| | |__compressed_imageN.dcm
| | |__ ...
| |__ ...
| |__random_dicom_folder
| | |__random_dicom_subfolder1
| | | |__image1.dcm
| | | |__ ...
| | |__random_dicom_subfolder2
| | | |__ ...
| | |__ ...
| |__ ...
|__ ...
Import this package:
import thicom
dcm = 'path/to/dicom/image.dcm'
pt = 'path/to/patients/parent/directory/'
pt = 'images/dicom/'
to .png:
thicom.find_dcm(pt) # looks for DICOM images
thicom.find_dcmdir(pt) # looks for DICOMDIR
thicom.find_all(pt) # looks for all DICOM files
thicom.find_png(pt) # looks for png images
f = 'files/random_file'
files = ['files/random_file1', 'files/random_file2', 'files/random_file3']
# Will return True if all files are in DICOM format
thicom.is_dicom(files, same_size=True)
# Will return a list with the same size as files (e.g. [True, True, False])
satisfies the requirements for processing:
(will also perform a pre_check
By default all functions use the CWD as their default argument.
Module containing useful functions required bu multiple other modules in the package.
E.g. it contains functions that search a directory for dicom files and png images.
This module handles mapping patients’ real names with aliases and storing the map (called an anonymizer dictionary).
Has the option of updating a previously created map.
Some dicom images are compressed through lossless-JPEG compression and can’t be handled by python’s dicom package.
This module uses linux’s “gdcmconv” tool for decompressing the images.
handles converting one or more dicom images to png ones.
It preserves all useful metadata (besides of the patient’s) name which is anonymized (through anonymizer
It can handle dicom files storing multiple images and uses decomp
to decompress compressed dicom files.
Besides saving the image, it can also show one or more dicom images to the screen.
Module that handles all necessary preprocessing steps to initialize or update a database of subjects.
First it performes a compatibility check to see if the directory has the desired structure. It searches for:
(a) patients with DaT scans in dicom format (with a DICOMDIR)
(b) patients without MRI DICOMDIRs
(c) multiple MRI DICOMDIRs for a single patient
(d) wrong directory structure (e.g NPD/Patient/MRI/DICOMDIR
instead of NPD/Patient/DICOMDIR
(e) wrong directory name (D.Patient
, D1 Patient
, D1a Patient
, etc.)
Some of these issues can be fixed automatically. Afterwards it will create and apply an anonymization scheme
(using anonymizer
), convert all DICOM images to png (while generating all necessary log files) with converter
structure the directories according to the scheme while removing any obsolete file. Then it searches for all MRIs
containing T1
in their name and stores them in a separate directory.
This module is meant to be used for generating a training and test set from a series of Dat scan and MRI images.
First all MRIs and Dat scans are gathered, separately for positive and negative patients. MRIs from different
patients are separated by '-------------'
. Then a sliding window technique is applied to the MRIs as shown in
the following example (for a window size of 3):
# Before the application of the window:
MRIs = [1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, 5.png, 6.png, '-------------', 11.png, 12.png, 13.png, 14.png]
# After the application of the window:
MRIs = [1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png, 3.png, 4.png, 5.png, 4.png, 5.png, 6.png, 11.png, 12.png,
13.png,12.png, 13.png, 14.png]
Note that windows do overlap but not over separate patients!
After applying the window to the MRIs, each of those windows is combined to a different DaT scan. All possible
combinations are generated; PD and NPD patients are not mixed together.
Finally the data is split into a training and test set according to a given ratio and shuffled through
Before processing the directories should have the following structure:
| |__patient1
| | |__random_dicom_folder1
| | | |__compressed_image1.dcm
| | | |__compressed_image2.dcm
| |__patient2
| |__ ...
|__ ...
After preprocessing the directory will look like this:
| |__subject1
| | |__1.MRI
| | | |__SeriesDescription_InstanceNumber.png
| | | |__SeriesDescription_InstanceNumber.png
| |__subject2
| |__ ...
| |__subject3
| |__subject4
| |__ ...
| |__anonymizer_dictionary.pkl
| |__conversion_log_anon.txt
| |__patient aliases.txt
| |__patient log.txt
| |__ ...
| |__MRI
| |__T1_MRI_1.png
| |__T1_MRI_2.png
| |__ ...
|__ ...