项目作者: hidekuma

项目描述 :
🤖 Python Asynchronous cURL Requests
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/hidekuma/asyncurl.git
创建时间: 2019-06-10T00:39:20Z

开源协议:MIT License


asyncurl Build Status

Asynchronous cURL Requests using python, which is inspired by this benchmark(KR, EN).


Support python versions

python >= 3.6


AsyncURL project consists of the following packages:

Package Version Description
asyncio >=3.4.3 for Asynchronous
requests >=2.22.0 pycurl substitutes
uvloop >=0.12.2 for event loop policy


You can download asyncurl executable and binary distributions from PyPI.

Using pip

  1. pip install asyncurl


Import AsyncURL.

  1. from asyncurl.fetch import AsyncURLFetch
  2. ac_fetch = AsyncURLFetch()

Default worker’s count is 2. you can change it if you want.

  1. ac_fetch.worker = 3

and you can put urls to <AsyncURL.queue>.

  1. for x in range(2):
  2. ac_fetch.queue.put_nowait('http://localhost')
  3. ac_fetch.parallel()

Then call parallel(). The fucntion fetch urls using <requests>(HTTP library for Python).

and AsyncURL can change <requests>‘s method and else properties.

  1. from asyncurl.session import AsyncURLSession
  2. from asyncurl.fetch import AsyncURLFetch
  3. ac_fetch = AsyncURLFetch()
  4. for x in range(2):
  5. headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'}
  6. session = AsyncURLSession('GET', 'http://localhost', headers=headers)
  7. ac_fetch.queue.put_nowait(session)
  8. ac_fetch.parallel()

AsyncURLSession is inheritance of <requests.Session>.

parallel() will return <AsncURLFetch>, and it can show results to you.

Show results:

  1. ac_fetch.parallel().results

The order of result is nonsequential. and it will return list of <requests.Response>.

AsyncURLSession’s properties

equals to <requests.Request>

  • params=None
  • data=None
  • headers=None
  • cookies=None
  • files=None
  • auth=None
  • timeout=None
  • allow_redirects=True
  • proxies=None
  • hooks=None
  • stream=None
  • verify=None
  • cert=None
  • json=None


  1. for x in range(3):
  2. session = AsyncURLSession('GET', 'http://localhost')
  3. ac_fetch.queue.put_nowait(session)
  4. # case.1) with callback
  5. print('[with callback]')
  6. ac_fetch.parallel(callback=lambda x: print('with callback : {0}'.format(x)))
  7. # case.2) return results
  8. print('[return results]')
  9. print(ac_fetch.parallel().results)
  10. >>>
  11. [with callback]
  12. with callback : <Future finished result=<Response [403]>>
  13. with callback : <Future finished result=<Response [403]>>
  14. with callback : <Future finished result=<Response [403]>>
  15. [return results]
  16. [<Response [403]>, <Response [403]>, <Response [403]>]


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2019 Hidden function by hidekuma