The C++ and R packages for parallel ensemble forecasts using Analog Ensemble
Parallel Analog Ensemble (PAnEn) generates accurate forecast ensembles relying on a single deterministic model simulation and the historical observations. The technique was introduced by Luca Delle Monache et al. in the paper Probabilistic Weather Prediction with an Analog Ensemble. Developed and maintained by GEOlab at Penn State, PAnEn aims to provide an efficient implementation for this technique and user-friendly interfaces in R and C++ for researchers who want to use this technique in their own research.
The easiest way to use this package is to install the R package, ‘RAnEn’. C++ libraries are also available but they are designed for intermediate users with requirement for performance. For installation guidance, please refer to the installation section.
To cite this package, you have several options:
: Please use this file for citation.R
: Simply type citation('RAnEn')
and the citation message will be printed.
Weiming Hu, Guido Cervone, Laura Clemente-Harding, and Martina Calovi. (2019). Parallel Analog Ensemble. Zenodo.
is very easy to install if you are already using R. This is the recommended way to start.
The command is the same for RAnEn
installation and update.
To install RAnEn
, please install the following packages first:
, please also install the latest version of Rtools.The following R command install the latest RAnEn
install.packages("", repos = NULL)
That’s it. You are good to go. Please refer to tutorials or the R documentation to learn more about using RAnEn
. You might also want to install RAnEnExtra package with functions for visualization and verification. After RAnEn
installation, you can simply run devtools::install_github("Weiming-Hu/RAnEnExtra")
Mac users: if the package shows that OpenMP
is not supported. You can do one of the followings:
if you do not have it already and add the following content to it. Of course, change the compilers to what you have. If you do not have any alternative compilers other than Clang, HomeBrew is your friend.
. They provide similar solutions but stick with Clang compilers.After the installation, you can always revert back to your original setup and RAnEn
will stay supported by OpenMP
No installation is needed if you are already using docker or singularity. Docker images available here can be directly downloaded and used.
# Download and run the docker image within docker
docker container run -it weiminghu123/panen:default
# Run the dokcer image with a local folder mounted inside the image
docker container run -it -v ~/Desktop:/Desktop weiminghu123/panen:default
# Download and run the docker image within singularity
singularity run docker://weiminghu123/panen:default
To install the C++ libraries, please check the following dependencies.
is a very large library. If you don’t want to install the entire package, PAnEn
is able to build the required ones automatically.CppUnit
provides test frameworks. If CppUnit
is found in the system, test programs will be compiled.To set up the dependency, it is recommended to use conda. I chose minicoda
instead of anaconda
simply beacause miniconda
is the light-weight version. If you already have anaconda
, you are fine as well.
The following code sets up the environment from stratch:
# Python version is required because of boost compatibility issues
conda create -n venv_anen python==3.8 -y
# Keep your environment activate during the entire installation process, including CAnEn
conda activate venv_anen
# Required dependency
conda install -c anaconda cmake boost -y
conda install -c conda-forge netcdf-cxx4 eccodes doxygen -y
# Optional dependency: LibTorch
# If you need libTorch, please go ahead to and select
# Stable -> [Your OS] -> LibTorch -> C++/Java -> [Compute Platform] -> cxx11 ABI version
# Please see for instructions
# on how to inlcude libTorch during the cmake process.
# Optional dependency: MPI
conda install -c conda-forge openmpi -y
After the dependencies are installed, let’s build CAnEn
# Download the source files (~10 Mb)
# Unzip
# Create a separate folder to store all intermediate files during the installation process
cd AnalogsEnsemble-master/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/AnalogEnsemble ..
# Compile
make -j 4
# Install
make install
Below is a list of parameters you can change and customize.
Parameter | Explanation | Default |
CMAKE_C_COMPILER | The C compiler to use. | [System dependent] |
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER | The C++ compiler to use. | [System dependent] |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | The installation directory. | [System dependent] |
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH | Which folder(s) should cmake search for packages besides the default. Paths are surrounded by double quotes and separated with semicolons. | [Empty] |
CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH | The run-time library path. Paths are surrounded by double quotes and separated with semicolons. | [Empty] |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | Release for release mode; Debug for debug mode. |
Release |
INSTALL_RAnEn | Build and install the RAnEn library. |
BUILD_BOOST | Build Boost regardless of whether it exists in the system. |
BOOST_URL | The URL for downloading Boost. This is only used when BUILD_BOOST is ON . |
[From SourceForge] |
ENABLE_MPI | Build the MPI supported libraries and executables. This requires the MPI dependency. | OFF |
ENABLE_OPENMP | Enable multi-threading with OpenMP | ON |
ENABLE_AI | Enable PyTorch integration and the power of AI. | OFF |
You can change the default of the parameters, for example, cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/AnalogEnsemble ..
. Don’t forget the extra letter D
when specifying argument names.
Here is a list of instructions to build and install AnEn
on supercomputers.
Launching an MPI-OpenMP hybrid program can be tricky.
If the performance with MPI is acceptable,
disable OpenMP (`cmake -DENABLE_OPENMP=OFF ..`).
If the hybrid solution is desired,
make sure you have the proper setup.
is turned on, MPI programs will be built. These MPI programs are hybrid programs (unless you set -DENABLE_OPENMP=OFF
for cmake
) that use both MPI and OpenMP. Please check with your individual supercomputer platform to find out what the proper configuration for launching an MPI + OpenMP hybrid program is. Users are responsible not to launch too many process and threads at the same time which would overtask the machine and might lead to hanging problems (as what I have seen on XSEDE Stampede2).
On NCAR Cheyenne, the proper way to launch a hybrid program can be found here. If you use mpirun
, instead of mpiexec_mpt
, you will loose the multi-threading performance improvement.
To dive deeper into the hybrid parallelization design, MPI is used for computationally expensive portions of the code, e.g. file I/O and analog generation while OpenMP is used by the master process during bottleneck portion of the code, e.g. data reshaping and information queries.
When analogs with a long search and test periods are desired, MPI is used to distribute forecast files across processes. Each process reads a subset of the forecast files. This solves the problem where serial I/O can be very slow.
When a large number of stations/grids present, MPI is used to distribute analog generation for different stations across processes. Each process takes charge of generating analogs for a subset of stations.
Sitting between the file I/O and the analog generation is the bottleneck which is hard to parallelize with MPI, e.g. reshaping the data and querying test/search times. Therefore, they are parallelized with OpenMP on master process only.
So if the platform support heterogeneous task layout, users can theoretically allocate one core per worker process and more cores for the master process to facilitate its multi-threading scope. But again, only do this when you find the bottleneck is taking much longer time than file I/O and analog generation. Use --profile
to have profiling information in standard message output.
Tutorials can be accessed on binder or be found in this directory
Here are also some tips and caveats in this ticket.
We appreciate collaborations and feedbacks from users. Please contact the maintainer Weiming Hu through""> or submit tickets if you have any problems.
Thank you!
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# Authors:
# Weiming Hu <>
# Guido Cervone <>
# Laura Clemente-Harding <>
# Martina Calovi <>
# Contributors:
# Luca Delle Monache
# Geoinformatics and Earth Observation Laboratory (
# Department of Geography and Institute for CyberScience
# The Pennsylvania State University