项目作者: aerosol

项目描述 :
:factory: dotfiles :moneybag:
高级语言: Vim script
项目地址: git://github.com/aerosol/dotfiles.git
创建时间: 2015-02-17T20:44:14Z



dotfiles (silos) :factory:


Every silo is make-driven stow package, contains deployable set of dotfiles per program (zsh, vim, etc.)


  • GNU Make
  • GNU Stow
  • git

Make targets (usage)

When in doubt, use the source.

fill: Pull existing sources and build a silo

  1. $ make fill what=~/.config/nvim into=nvim/.config

save: Commit changes after hacking on a silo

  1. $ make save silo=nvim

unload: Deploy existing silo to a clean $HOME

  1. $ make unload silo=nvim

withdraw: Retract a silo, get clean $HOME again

  1. $ make withdraw silo=nvim

slurp: Pull existing sources, build a silo, unload it and save

  1. $ make slurp what=~/.config/nvim into=nvim/.config silo=nvim