This is a python implementation of the simple_udp_proxy. This code, automatically creates a bidirectional bridge between new udp connections to a unique udp port by creating a proxy for each new connection.
Github Page:
This is a python implementation of the simple_udp_proxy. This code, automatically creates a bidirectional bridge between new
udp connections to a unique udp port by creating a proxy for each new connection.
The total structure of this proxy is illustrated as below:
This package could be used for every UDP nodes and also every nodes using MAVLink protocol such as MAVProxy,
MissionPlanner, Ardupilot-SITL, PX4-SITL and etc. This package will be very useful for devices that use one port number
for UDP broadcasting, so that you can use different client UDP applications for receiving their UDP packets separately.
Just follow these codes:
pip3 install -U simple_udp_proxy
The -U parameter allow to update simple_udp_proxy version if it is already installed.
Just clone the project:
git clone
python3 -h
- Shows available commands for help.python3 --i [INPUT_PORT]
- Input UDP port (default = 14550).python3 --o [OUTPUT_PORT]
- Initial UDP output port (Other UDP ports start from this UDP port with the incremental of 1) (default = 1220).python3 --verbose [VERBOSE]
- D: Disable Verbose, 1: Enable Verbose (Make all output logs visible).python3 --log [LOG]
- 0: Disable Logging, 1: Enable Logging.Example:
python3 --i 14520 --o 4520 --log 1 -- verbose 1
- Creates a proxy in 14520 UDP port and forwards to ports starting from 4520The structure would be as follow:
client node with port 5678 <---> PROXY in 14520 port <---> APPLICATION#1 host access port with 4520 port
client node with port 7852 <---> PROXY in 14520 port <---> APPLICATION#2 host access port with 4521 port
Just follow “test/” as below:
python3 test/
This code creates a new UDP port while a new incoming UDP port wants to send data to the host UDP port which is set on
The code is as below:
from simple_udp_proxy import simple_udp_proxy as px
px.is_verbose = True
px.is_log_enabled = True
proxy = px.UdpProxy(in_port=14550, out_port=1220, buf_size=1024)
while True:
The source code generated by Masoud Iranmehr (@masoudir) is available under the permissive MIT License.