项目作者: julienlag

项目描述 :
Long RNA-seq analysis workflow
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/julienlag/LyRic.git
创建时间: 2018-06-27T08:55:51Z



LyRic is a versatile automated transcriptome annotation and analysis workflow written in the Snakemake language. Its core functionality is the production of:

  1. a set of high-quality RNA Transcript Models (TMs) mapped onto a genome sequence, based on Long-Read (LR) RNA sequencing data.
  2. various summary statistics plots and analysis results that describe the input and output data in details
  3. an interactive HTML table reporting statistics for each input sample, enabling easy and intuitive sample-to-sample comparison
  4. a UCSC Track Hub to display output TMs, as well as various other tracks produced by LyRic.

(Note that features 2, 3 and 4 can be easily switched on and off).

LyRic is platform-agnostic, i.e. it can deal with FASTQ data coming from both the ONT and PacBio platforms.

Full LyRic documentation is here.