RTMP/RTSP/HLS bridge for Wyze cams in a docker container
Create a local WebRTC, RTSP, RTMP, or HLS/Low-Latency HLS stream for most of your Wyze cameras including the outdoor, doorbell, and 2K cams.
No modifications, third-party, or special firmware required.
It just works!
Streams direct from camera without additional bandwidth or subscriptions.
Please consider ⭐️ starring or ☕️ sponsoring this project if you found it useful, or use the affiliate link when shopping on amazon!
As of May 2024, you will need an API Key and API ID from: https://support.wyze.com/hc/en-us/articles/16129834216731.[!WARNING]
Please double check your router/firewall and do NOT forward ports or enable DMZ access to the bridge unless you know what you are doing!
See the supported cameras section for additional information.
Install docker and run:
docker run -p 8554:8554 -p 8888:8888 -p 5050:5000 -e WB_AUTH=false mrlt8/wyze-bridge
You can then use the web interface at http://localhost:5050
where localhost
is the hostname or ip of the machine running the bridge.
See basic usage for additional information or visit the wiki page for additional information on using the bridge as a Home Assistant Add-on.
to prevent issues with higher bitrates.SNAPSHOT_KEEP
Option to delete old snapshots when saving snapshots with a timelapse-like custom format with SNAPSHOT_FORMAT
. (#1330)SNAPSHOT_KEEP=180
option for livestreaming via restream.io. (#1333)RESTREAMIO_FRONT_DOOR=re_My_Custom_Key123
FIXED: Could not disable WB_AUTH
is set. (#1304)
Simplify default credentials for the WebUI:
and WB_API
will now be derived from the username part of the Wyze email address instead of using a randomly generated password.john123@doe.com
will be john123
will be based on the wyze account for persistance.NEW: STREAM_AUTH
option to specify multiple users and paths:
can be used to specify the allowed IP address for the user. @
to specify paths accessible to the user. Multiple users can be specified by using |
as a separator
has access to cam-1
and other-cam
has access to just-one-cam
has access to all paths/cameras
See Wiki for more information and examples.
Recoding streams has been updated to use MediaMTX with the option to delete older clips.
to enable recording.
Available variables are %path
or {cam_name}
, %Y
(time in strftime format).RECORD_LENGTH
Length of each clip. Use s
for seconds , h
for hours. Defaults to 60s
Delete older clips. Use s
for seconds , h
for hours. Set to 0s to disable automatic deletion. Defaults to 0s
Should work on most x64 systems as well as on most modern arm-based systems like the Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 or Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3.
The container can be run on its own, in Portainer, Unraid, as a Home Assistant Add-on, locally or remotely in the cloud.
Some network adjustments may be needed - see this discussion for more information.
Some newer camera firmware versions may cause issues with remote access via P2P. Local “LAN” access seems unaffected at this time. A temporary solution is to use a VPN. See the OpenVPN example.
Camera | Model | Tutk Support | Latest FW |
Wyze Cam v1 [HD only] | WYZEC1 | ✅ | 3.9.4.x |
Wyze Cam V2 | WYZEC1-JZ | ✅ | 4.9.9.x |
Wyze Cam V3 | WYZE_CAKP2JFUS | ✅ | 4.36.11.x |
Wyze Cam V4 [2K] | HL_CAM4 | ✅ | 4.52.3.x |
Wyze Cam Floodlight | WYZE_CAKP2JFUS | ✅ | 4.36.11.x |
Wyze Cam Floodlight V2 [2k] | HL_CFL2 | ✅ | 4.53.2.x |
Wyze Cam V3 Pro [2K] | HL_CAM3P | ✅ | 4.58.11.x |
Wyze Cam Pan | WYZECP1_JEF | ✅ | 4.10.9.x |
Wyze Cam Pan v2 | HL_PAN2 | ✅ | 4.49.11.x |
Wyze Cam Pan v3 | HL_PAN3 | ✅ | 4.50.4.x |
Wyze Cam Pan Pro [2K] | HL_PANP | ✅ | - |
Wyze Cam Outdoor | WVOD1 | ✅ | 4.17.4.x |
Wyze Cam Outdoor v2 | HL_WCO2 | ✅ | 4.48.4.x |
Wyze Cam Doorbell | WYZEDB3 | ✅ | 4.25.1.x |
Wyze Cam Doorbell v2 [2K] | HL_DB2 | ✅ | 4.51.1.x |
Wyze Cam Doorbell Pro 2 | AN_RDB1 | ❓ | - |
Wyze Battery Cam Pro | AN_RSCW | ⚠️ | - |
Wyze Cam Flood Light Pro [2K] | LD_CFP | ⚠️ | - |
Wyze Cam Doorbell Pro | GW_BE1 | ⚠️ | - |
Wyze Cam OG | GW_GC1 | ⚠️ | - |
Wyze Cam OG Telephoto 3x | GW_GC2 | ⚠️ | - |
This is similar to the docker run command, but will save all your options in a yaml file.
file with your wyze credentials.docker-compose up
.Once you’re happy with your config you can use docker-compose up -d
to run it in detached mode.
If your credentials contain a$
character, you need to escape it with another$
sign (e.g.,paword
) or leave your credentials blank and use the webUI to login.[!NOTE]
You may need to update the WebUI links if you’re changing the ports or using a reverse proxy.
To update your container, cd
into the directory where your docker-compose.yml
is located and run:
docker-compose pull # Pull new image
docker-compose up -d # Restart container in detached mode
docker image prune # Remove old images
Visit the wiki page for additional information on Home Assistant.
The bridge features a basic Web-UI which can display a preview of all your cameras as well as direct links to all the video streams.
The web-ui can be accessed on the default port 5000
See also:
WebRTC should work automatically in Home Assistant mode, however, some additional configuration is required to get WebRTC working in the standard docker mode.
WebRTC requires two additional ports to be configured in docker:
- 8889:8889 #WebRTC
- 8189:8189/udp # WebRTC/ICE
In addition, the WB_IP
env needs to be set with the IP address of the server running the bridge.
- WB_IP=
All environment variables are optional.
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Video Streaming:
General Wyze: