A Nwjs(node-webkit) development starter using Webpack.
A Nwjs(node-webkit) development starter using Webpack.
Warning: Make sure you’re using Node.js and NPM
Clone/Download the repo then edit
```clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/jarden-liu/node-webkit-webpack-starter.git my-nw-app
$ cd my-nw-app
$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g nw —nwjs_build_type=sdk
$ npm dev
## Table of Contents
* [Configure](#configure)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [Installing](#installing)
* [Running the app](#running-the-app)
* [Pack the app](#pack-the-app)
* [License](#license)
## Configure
> Configure your project by edit `config.js` inside `/build`
TITLE: ‘node-webkit’ // index.html head title
PORT: 8081 //local dev server port
const PATH_CONFIG = {
MAIN: ‘app’, // app entry dir
OUTPUT: ‘dist’ // app output dir
EXTENSIONS: [‘.js’, ‘.json’], //webpck extensions
ALIAS:{} //webpck alias
> You can also configure `webpack.config.js`、`webpack.dev.js`、`webpack.prod.js`
## Getting Started
### Dependencies
What you need to run this app:
* `node` and `nw` (Use NVM)
* this last version is recommended
### Installing
* `fork` this repo
* `clone` your fork
* `npm install` to install all dependencies
### Running the app
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:
npm start
It will start a local server using `express` with `webpack-dev-middleware` which will watch,rebuild,reload for you.The port will be displayed to you in terminal.As the same time, the nwjs client will auto start.
### Pack the app
After you've developed app, you can build and compress the app with:
npm run build``
then the bundle files are placed on the output dir
e.g. /dist`
How to package your app by dist file?
see http://docs.nwjs.io/package-your-app