项目作者: jimbol

项目描述 :
Assertion library for unit testing JS generators. Works well with redux-saga. Allows snapshot testing.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/jimbol/expect-gen.git
创建时间: 2017-04-27T18:27:33Z

开源协议:MIT License


Expect Gen

As in “expect generator…”. An assertion / snapshot library for testing iterators and generators. It was designed for, and works particularly well with, redux-saga but can be used for anything that uses generators.


  1. function* myEffect(fakeAction) {
  2. const fooIds = yield select(fooIds);
  3. yield put(foosLoading());
  4. const results = yield call(apiFetch, options);
  5. }
  6. import expectGen from 'expect-gen';
  7. it('runs effect with fakeFooIds and fakeResults', () => {
  8. expectGen(myEffect, fakeAction)
  9. // asserts step yields first `select(fooIds)`
  10. .yields(
  11. select(fooIds),
  12. // `fakeFooIds` gets pass into the following `next`
  13. fakeFooIds
  14. )
  15. .yields(
  16. put(foosLoading())
  17. )
  18. .yields(
  19. call(apiFetch, options),
  20. fakeResults
  21. )
  22. .finishes()
  23. .run();
  24. });
  25. it('runs effect with fakeFooIds and fakeResults', () => {
  26. const snapshot = expectGen(myEffect, fakeAction)
  27. // Doesn't run assertion for `next`
  28. .next(fakeFooIds)
  29. .next()
  30. .yields(
  31. call(apiFetch, options),
  32. fakeResults
  33. )
  34. .finishes()
  35. .toJSON();
  36. expect(snapshot).toMatchSnapshot();
  37. });



expectGen(generator, [...args])

  • Calls the first argument with the rest of the arguments
  • Returns instance of StepManager


expectGen returns an instance StepManager. It gives us a set of chainable methods:


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. .yields(expectedValue, [result])
  • Runs an assertion that iterator will yield the expectedValue
  • Passes result into generator’s next method
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. .next([result])
  • Passes result into generator’s next method
  • Makes no assertion
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. .throws(error)
  • Throws error into generator
  • Checks that iterator throws an uncaught exception
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. .catches(error, [expectedValue])
  • Throws error into generator
  • Runs an assertion that thrown iterator will yield the expectedValue
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. .catchesAndFinishes(error, [result])
  • Throws error into generator
  • Asserts that generator finishes with result
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. ...
  3. .finishes([result])
  • Asserts that generator finishes with result
  • Returns same instance StepManager


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. ...
  3. .run()
  • Executes all assertions
  • Returns results of all generator steps as an array


  1. expectGen(generator, [...args])
  2. ...
  3. .toJSON()
  • Convert results from run() into a JSON object


Expect Gen is heading towards v1. The following items still need to go in before then. Please open issues for other v1 requirements you find.


Previous Version

Expect Gen is a second generation version of generator-test-runner. Many of the concepts used here originated there.