Agiletech React Native Starter Kits
Another simple, powerful starter kit for real life project.
/assets project resource files
/components All related component
/Afternteractions You should not care about this
/Navigator Navigator
options.js All SideBar items
/Image Custom Image with progress
/ProgressImage Progess image build-in
/Gallery Gallery
/Browser Inapp-browser
/elements Dump component without state
/constants App constants
/container App screens
/store App store/action/reducer/saga/api
/actions Actions
/api API
/reducers Reducers
/saga Sagas
/selectors State selectors
/theme NativeBase theme
App.js App root
routes.js Router configuration
index.js Root Component (RN 49+)
git clone example
cd example && yarn
react-native-rename example -b vn.agiletech.example
yarn ios|android or react-native run-ios|run-android as usual
persist keyPrefix
in ~/store/index.js
line 25
yarn android
yarn ios
// build apk
yarn ba
// install apk to android after build
yarn ia
// run reverse
yarn adb-reverse
We already have design.sketch template file
// install tool
brew install imagemagick
npm install -g yo generator-rn-toolbox
// generate splash screen images
yo rn-toolbox:assets --icon icon.png --splash splash.png --store
Guide here