项目作者: melhotiby

项目描述 :
Express/React/Redux/PostgreSQL Dockerized Fullstack application starter.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/melhotiby/react-redux-express-postgresql.git

Express/React/Redux/PostgreSQL Dockerized Fullstack application starter.

This repository contains a production ready template which includes the following


For initial setup you will need to:

Copy the server .env.example to .env

  1. cp -n server/.env{.example,}

Copy the server docker-compose.override.example.yml to docker-compose.override.yml for docker compose overrides

  1. cp -n docker-compose.override{.example,}.yml

Start all the services with docker

  1. docker-compose up --build

Create the new database table

  1. docker-compose run --rm api yarn db:create

Migrate the database

  1. docker-compose run --rm api yarn db:migrate

Seed the database

  1. docker-compose run --rm api yarn db:seed

Running tests

  1. docker-compose run --rm client yarn test

SSH into elastic beanstalk and run commands

  1. ssh -i docker.pem ec2-user@<PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS>
  2. sudo su
  3. docker ps
  4. docker exec -it <DOCKER_INSTANCE_FOR_elhotiby1/multi-server> docker-entrypoint.sh sh
  5. yarn db:migrate
  6. yarn db:seed

Visit localhost:3000