This plugin will be no longer maintained. We recommend to use the check_sap_health
This plugin communicates with the SAP CCMS via the RFC Protocol.
It supports unicode (use a UTF-8 Locale for best results).
Tested with V7.0 of the 64bit RFC Unicode SDK (RFC_SDK_70_redhat_64bit_UNICODE.SAR),
but it should work with the 32bit version as well.
Also tested with Netweaver
See —help for usage information
./check_sap --client 000 --sysnr 00 --user SAPUSER --pass PASSWD --dest ABC --host -m listsets
lists all monitor sets
./check_sap ...options... -m listmonitors 'SAP CCMS Monitor Templates'
lists the monitors in a set
./check_sap ...options... -m listtree 'SAP CCMS Monitor Templates' 'Dialog Overview'
shows the complete tree for a monitor
./check_sap ...options... 'SAP CCMS Monitor Templates' 'Dialog Overview' 'Response'
shows the status of all objects matching the Regex
./check_sap ...options... --fullpath 'SAP CCMS Monitor Templates' 'Dialog Overview' 'Standard.*\ResponseTime'
As above, but the path to the object is also used
Download and extract the tarball release from
You will need autoconf to generate the configure script, and a SAP SDK needs to be installed.
N.B. the SDK must be downloaded directly from SAP.
Pay attention to the messages generated by configure - they should help you check you have
all the files installed that you need.
Make sure to install the libraries where the system can find them
cp RFC_SDK_70_redhat_64bit_UNICODE/lib/* /usr/local/lib
The include files in the bapi subdirectory can be regenerated using the genh command
included with the classic SDK.
bin/genh ashost=... sysnr=.. user=... passwd=... BAPITNDEXT > bapi/bapitndext.h
For further options see ./configure —help