Recko - Work from Home. Best earn money app.
We are the first-of-its-kind app, where you can sell products from popular brands across industries to earn extra money at your comfort. Explore from a range of products, and start selling in your network to earn money sitting from your home. More than 10,000+ sellers including housewives, students, entrepreneurs, shop owners are earning money by selling products on Recko. We are the best app for people to start a business without investment and work from home.
Download & Browse: You can search for Recko app on play store and download it. Once you have installed the app, you can register with your mobile number. Then, you can watch training videos to learn more about selling about the products you like. Explore products from a range of industries and brands.
Share: Share the ‘product flyers’ with your friends, family and your network over Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. Get in touch with them when they show interest in the products shared. Don’t stop there, share it on multiple groups on different social media platforms.
Earn: When your customer has confirmed to purchase the product, you can send them a payment link or you can pay on their behalf. Once the payment is made, you will get commission in your account. Earning money made simple!