项目作者: wdeer

项目描述 :
Custom Capistrano configs for deploying Bedrock/Sage9 wordpress sites
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/wdeer/bedrock-sage9-capistrano.git
创建时间: 2018-03-09T20:45:11Z



Capistrano deploy configs

These configs have been costomized for use with a root’s Sage9 based theme utilizing root’s Bedrock

What it does

  • Runs npm run build:production in sage9 theme directory to generate dist/ directory
  • Uploads dist/ directory to remote server and places in theme directory
  • Runs composer install within sage9 theme directory to install required libs
  • Has custom path for composer command to point to non-default server php and/or composer path

Getting Started

Merge the following files into your existing bedrock project root directory:

  • ./config/deploy.rb
  • ./config/deploy/production.rb
  • ./config/deploy/staging.rb

Then, update the following in deploy.rb:

  • set :application, 'projectname.com' ## Project name, usually domain
  • set :user, 'username' ## Username for account on remote host
  • set :server, 'XXX.XXX.XX.XX' ## Remote Server IP
  • set :repo_url, 'git@github.com:GITUSERNAME/GITPROJECTNAME.GIT' ## Path to master repo
  • set :theme_dir, 'THEME_DIR' ## Theme directory name

Optionally, update the following, also in deploy.rb:

  • set :webroot, 'web' ## Path to server’s webroot if different from bedrock’s default of ‘web’
  • set :branch, :master ## Sets default repo branch you can override in individual ./config/deploy/##stage##.rb )
  • set :keep_releases, 10 ## Number of releases to keep for rollbacks
  • set :log_level, :info ## Change to ‘debug’ if you need more info output in cli
  • SSHKit.config.command_map[:composer] = "/opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/bin/php /usr/local/bin/composer" ## Maps composer command to custom PHP path / full composer path. Remove/Adjust if un/needed

Lastly, Run the following (general capistrano stuff)

note: you should stage/commit all necessary changes and push to remote repo prior to running each deploy, otherwise they wont show up on the remote server

  • cap staging deploy:check and fix any errors
  • Once errors are fixed try to deploy by running: cap staging deploy
  • Then once you’re really ready ready deploy to production: cap production deploy

Hopefully all went well …CHEERS!
