项目作者: sharan98

项目描述 :
A hyperledger sawtooth application for voting
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sharan98/sawtooth-voting.git
创建时间: 2019-02-25T17:50:39Z




A hyperledger sawtooth application for voting
The application uses blockchain and docker containers to store the parties, voter IDs and vote count.

Instructions for use

Build the necessary components used by the application using docker-compose.yaml file by running:
[sudo] docker-compose up
Run the client.py file as shown below, inside the container voting-client :
docker exec -it voting-client bash
Now we are inside the client docker.

Use cases and commands

1. Add parties

Parties are identified by their names. Parties can be added exactly once.
python3 vote.py addparty PartyName [--url http://rest-api:8008]

2. Cast votes

Voters can cast vote exactly once and for exactly one party; voters are identified by their names.
python3 vote.py votefor VoterName PartyName

3. List parties and voters

List all added parties and voters who have voted.
python3 vote.py listparties
python3 vote.py listvotes

4. Number of votes

Number of votes of each party.
python3 vote.py votecount PartyName