项目作者: planet-b

项目描述 :
Current staging product
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/planet-b/planet-b-saleor.git
创建时间: 2017-03-01T14:59:29Z




Build Status
Requirements Status

Planet-B homepage


Pre-install these packages below

  • Python 3.4 or later (I recommend to use Anaconda instead)
  • Node.js v8 or later
  • PostgreSQL version 9.4 or above
  • gettext 0.15 or higher: gettext precompiled binaries for Windows
  • For Linux, also install these packages

    build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

Your feedback

Setting up

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1. Node.js

  • Update Node.js and npm

    $ npm install npm@latest -g

  • For Windows, also install Windows-Build-Tools

    $ npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

2. Setup Python dev environment using Anaconda

We need to setup a separate environment for the project, so we can use either virtualenv or Anaconda

  • First update conda before processing

    $ conda update conda

  • (Not required) Add Intel packages channel. I like to use Intel channel, as their build tends to process faster

    $ conda config --add channels intel

  • Create a new environment for the project. --name can be anything, your choice!

    1. $ conda create --name py3 intelpython3_core python=3 (If you install Intel channel)
    2. $ conda create --name py3 python=3.5
    3. $ conda create --name py2 python=2 (Not required for this project)
  • Using new environment when working within project:

    • To activate: $ activate py3
    • To deactivate: $ deactivate or simply closing shell

3. Setup project’s environment variables

  • SECRET_KEY: Random secret key for the app
  • DEBUG: True, False or empty
  • ALLOWED_HOSTS: * or localhost,, [::1], yoursite.com.
  • DATABASE_URL: postgres://username:password@host:5432/database, port is usually 5432

    Since we use PostgreSQL, we’ll need to put a PostgreSql instance to populate data model.
    Typically a PostgreSQL URL looks like above

4. Setup gettext

Download the portable zip file, extract and add the bin folder to your path

Working within project

  1. Clone the repository (or use your own fork) and open a new shell inside of the new folder
  • Inside of the repo folder, activate the python development environment

    1. $ cd planet-b-saleor
    2. $ activate py3
  • Install all python dependencies

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Prepare the database and populate data models:

    $ python manage.py migrate

  • Install front-end dependencies:

    $ npm install

  • Prepare front-end assets:

    $ npm run build-assets

  • (Not required) If you’d like some data to test your new storefront you can populate the database with example products and orders:

    $ python manage.py populatedb

  • Generate locale binary

    $ python manage.py compilemessages

  • Start the development server:

    $ python manage.py runserver