Simple shell backup script
Simple shell script to backup (archive) files/directories to a local target while only keeping a set amount of generations.
$ dups --help
usage: dups [options] [source [...]] [target]
-p [prefix] Prefix to add to the filename.
-s [suffix] Suffix to add to the filename.
-g [generations] Generations to keep.
Set to 0 to keep infinite.
Defaults to 3.
-y, --yes Don't ask for confirmation.
--install Install to system (/usr/bin/dups)
--uninstall Uninstall from system (/usr/bin/dups)
-v, --version Print version and exit
-h, --help Show this help text.
- Deletion of old backups will take the prefix and suffix into
account. This means neither of these should be dynamic as
otherwise older version will not be deleted.
git clone
./dups/dups --install
rm -rf ./dups
# To uninstall it again
dups --uninstall