项目作者: guyabel

项目描述 :
Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/guyabel/wcde-shiny.git
创建时间: 2015-06-19T10:19:11Z



Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer

Contains all code and data used to build the shiny app for the Wittgenstein Centre Data Explorer, available at http://www.wittgensteincentre.org/dataexplorer

An overview of the app is given at https://gjabel.wordpress.com/2015/06/15/shiny-app-for-the-wittgenstein-centre-population-projections

Data formatting and upload based in the separate repo: https://github.com/guyabel/wcde-data

www folder contains images used on site and additional files.

server folder contains all the R code that is dependent (reactive) on the user inputs, referred to in server.R, including

  • [foo].R: returns plots or data frames in a given tab.

  • [foo]_choices.R: returns reactive user inputs where choices are dependent on other user inputs.

  • [foo]_fn.R: R functions that do not involve any shiny specific functions.

label.R produces the set of objects in label.RData. It contains

  • lists of indicator names, country names, age groups, etc., etc., used in the drop-down fields

In addition to data frames from the meta folder:

  • ind: details on which indicators are available by which dimension.

  • geog: details on country, areas and region names and codes.

  • dimen data frame: details on the scenario, age, sex and education dimensions.

  • faq: displayed in the FAQ tab.

  • assump: details on projection assumptions used in each scenario-country combination.

The objects in label.RData are loaded at the top of the ui.R script.

The ui.R script refers to a number of files in the ui folder to control the layout including:

  • [foo].md files are markdown text generally located at the top of the page above the tabs.

  • [foo].html files are HTML code to display various images.

  • [foo].R scripts are shiny ui functions to create and arrange user inputs in each part of the app.