Easily compare the revenue, equity, and demand implications of different water rate structures.
An R-Shiny tool to easily understand and compare the revenue, equity, and demand implications of different water rate structures.
This is an open project of the California Data Collaborative, developed in partnership with the Moulton Niguel Water District and ARGO Labs.
A live demo of the tool is available here. This demo uses public water use data from the City of Santa Monica.
It’s easy to get the tool running locally using data from the City of Santa Monica*,
Ensure that R
is installed.
Install any R
package dependencies.
Clone this repository.
Copy the three files in the smc_example
directory into the data
Run the Shiny app, either from the command line or using the “Run App” button from within RStudio.
*The data provided in this github has been modified by dropping unneeded columns and by renaming others.
Please see the issues page for ideas or reach out to find out more.