项目作者: stefan-rz

项目描述 :
Github Page
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/stefan-rz/Tinyurl.git
创建时间: 2017-02-09T14:02:28Z




It aims to give a shorter url in emoji format with information regarding times of clicks, locations, history track from user’s input. It is inspired by Google URL Shortener.

How to run it in you local

Clone project to your local

git clone https://github.com/ruihanzou/Tinyurl.git

Install dependencies

  1. cd app && npm install

Go back to the parent folder at which docker-compose.yml is put after finishing the pakage installation and run the following command when your docker is up.

  1. cd .. && docker-compose up --build

If your local server crashed due to the “MongoError,” please make sure you’re connecting to mlab. If not, you can configure the connection settings in server.js by using your own MONGODB URI.

You should able to see this sentence from your temrinal when the server is up.

  1. Server started at port 3000

When your local server is up, you should see the home page by entering the following URI in your address bar of your browser

  1. localhost

Home Page

alt text


You have to sign up first to use the user management feature

alt text