Script Auto Install SSH for VPS
Channel :
you need cloudflare domain pointing to your ip vps [important]
Copy this code & paste in your vps terminal
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y wget screen && wget -q && chmod +x && screen -S setup ./
this script very easy to use and very automatic at all
you can change settings as you want
Debian 10 only
Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 only
Service & Port
- OpenSSH : 22
- SSH Websocket : 2082 [ON]
- SSH SSL Websocket : 222
- OHP SSH : 6967
- OHP DBear : 6968
- OHP OpenVPN : 6969
- OpenVPN : TCP 1194, UDP 2200, SSL 442
- Stunnel4 : 447, 777
- Dropbear : 109, 143
- Squid Proxy : 3128, 8080
- Badvpn : 7100 - 7300
- Nginx : 81
- VLess TCP XTLS : 2087
- V2RAY/XRAY Vmess TLS : 443
- V2RAY/XRAY Vmess None TLS : 80
- V2RAY/XRAY Vless TLS : 443
- V2RAY/XRAY Vless None TLS : 80
- Trojan : 8443
- Trojan Go : 2096
- Wireguard : 7070
- SSTP VPN : 444
- L2TP/IPSEC VPN : 1701
- PPTP VPN : 1732
- SS-OBFS TLS : 2443-2543
- SS-OBFS HTTP : 3443-3543
- Shadowsocks-R : 1443-1543
Server Information & Other Features
- Timezone : Asia/Jakarta (GMT +7)
- Fail2Ban : [ON]
- Dflate : [ON]
- IPtables : [ON]
- Auto-Reboot : [ON]
- IPv6 : [OFF]
- Autoreboot On : 7 AM [GMT+7]