项目作者: robwittman

项目描述 :
Plugin to create Embedded Shopify apps with Laravel
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/robwittman/laravel-shopify-plugin.git
创建时间: 2018-02-08T14:09:57Z

开源协议:MIT License


Laravel Shopify Plugin

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This library integrates the Shopify API with your Laravel application.


  1. composer require robwittman/laravel-shopify-plugin
  2. php artisan vendor:publish



By default, the package exposes /shopify/install for app installation, and shopify/uninstall to listen for the app uninstalled webhook.


The config file for this library is located at /config/shopify.php. This must be filled out using the details from your app in the Shopify Partners dashboard.

api_key / api_secret

The credential Shopify gives your application for access


Wether or not your app is embedded. Embedded apps load inside Shopify’s admin panel


If you initialize the embedded app, and are not in Shopify’s admin panel IFrame, should
the app automatically redirect


The URL Shopify should send stores to after they authenticate your application


The scopes we want to ask the store owner for


An array of webhooks we should automatically install. If the array key is just the webhook, we automatically register domain.com/shopify/<topic> as the webhook destination. If the array is associative, we’ll use the specified route. If you supply an array of routes, we’ll install each one. NOTE Relative URLs will use the current app domain. Also, we recommend at least the app/uninstalled webhook being set, so the app is notified when someone uninstalls

  1. <?php
  2. # domain = 'https://app.com';
  3. 'webhooks' => array(
  4. 'shop/update',
  5. 'app/uninstalled' => 'my/custom/webhook',
  6. 'products/create' => array(
  7. 'endpoint1',
  8. 'https://custom-api.com/products/create'
  9. )
  10. );
  11. ?>

This will install the following.

Topic Webhook Destination
shop/update https://app.com/shopify/shop/update
app/uninstalled https://app.com/my/custom/webhook
products/create https://app.com/endpoint1
products/create https://custom-api.com/products/create

Script tags are URLs that Shopify should automatically load when an installed stores storefront is opened. These run on the customer facing store. NOTE Relative URLs will
use the current app domain.

  1. <?php
  2. #domain => 'https://app.com';
  3. 'script_tags' => array(
  4. '/js/script.js', # installs https://app.com/js/script.js
  5. 'https://cdn.com/js/script2.js' # installs https://cdn.com/js/script2.js'
  6. );
  7. ?>



Triggered anytime a new store authenticates with your application. This plugin includes 2 listeners that install required webhooks and script tags. You can also use this to send E-mails, persist the store to database, start tenant requirements, etc.

To register the bundled webhooks, you can start with this

  1. <?php
  2. protected $listen = [
  3. 'LaravelShopifyPlugin\Events\ShopInstalled' => [
  4. 'LaravelShopifyPlugin\Listeners\InstallWebhooks',
  5. 'LaravelShopifyPlugin\Listeners\InstallScriptTags'
  6. ],
  7. ];

Triggered anytime a store uninstalls your app. Use it to do any last cleanup before saying goodbye.