项目作者: heycarsten

项目描述 :
Tooling to migrate the La Bicicletta online store from Magento 1.9 to Shopify
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/heycarsten/labici-magento-shopify-migrator.git
创建时间: 2017-09-13T00:10:29Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Tooling to migrate data from Magento 1.9 to Shopify

What you’re looking at is the result of my efforts to help La Bicicletta (a bike shop in Toronto, Canada) migrate their online store from Magento to Shopify.

Thanks to La Bicicletta for releasing this work as open source software! They are a great bunch of humans, giving back to their community by supporting causes like Toronto Hustle. They also happen to run one of the finest bike shops in Toronto and online! Check them out:

La Bicicletta

Background :bike:

Magento was not meeting the needs of the business anymore, the decision was made to move to Shopify. There was a lot of data in Magento, ideally it could be moved to Shopify with some form of automation. Over the course of about 40h of time I went from never having looked at a Magento database schema, to what you are looking at.

This codebase is heavily tied to the requirements of this specific migration, but I think there is a lot to learn in here and apply to your own migration.

Layout / Overview :raised_hands:

The overall workflow here is:

  • Get the data out of Magento and place it in the data directory
  • Register with Shopify and generate an API key with admin access
  • Run the migrations to export simple products and configurable products to Shopify
  • Run the migration to export customers to Shopify

For us this was the right mix of automation and manual effort, that might be different for you.

Staging the Magento data :hammer:

  1. Dump the Magento MySQL database (PHPMyAdmin w/ simple default options works) and place the dumped SQL file into data/megento_db Docker will pick it up when you build. NOTE: the .sql file can have any name
  2. Copy the Magento media files found in media/catalog (on your web server hosting Magento) into data/magento_media

The directory structure should look something like this:

Running the migrator :sparkles:

  1. Put the required keys and stuff in .env
  2. Install Docker Desktop
  3. cd into this project directory
  4. Open a terminal window
  5. (First time) Run: docker-compose build to build the containers
  6. Run: docker-compose up to start the database
  7. Open another terminal window or tab
  8. Run a command: docker-compose run --rm app bin/console
  9. When you’re done, find the terminal running docker-compose up and press Ctrl+C to shut it down


This loads up the project and provides an interactive console, you can interact with all of the classes and objects in the project this way.

See a list of tables in the Magento database:

  1. mag = LaBici::Magento.new
  2. mag.db.tables

Search customers in Shopify:

  1. shop = LaBici::Shopify.new
  2. shop.search_customers('favecustomer@example.com')

You get the idea :slightly_smiling_face:


This is used for doing the data migrations, there are four different tasks:

  • bin/run migrate-simple-products will migrate all active “simple” products from Magento to Shopify
  • bin/run migrate-configurable-products will migrate all active “configurable” products from Magento to Shopify. Have a look at the code, odds are your store will have different fields and stuff you want to export, it should give you a rough idea of how to do this
  • bin/run migrate-customers will migrate all active customers from Magento into Shopify. Shopify is pretty strict with emails and stuff like that, if your Magento store is big, expect a number of customers to be rejected (fraud usually)
  • bin/run customer-report will output customer data, this was just me toying around, it may or may not be useful for you


This is used for inviting customers to the Shopify store, you don’t have to use this, it’s not part of the data migration. You can find the inner workings in lib/labici/customer_activator.rb and the available tasks in bin/activator.

The workflow for using this is:

  • Export as CSV the users you wish to activate from the Shopify Admin interface and place this file in data/customers.csv
  • Run bin/activator import-customers-csv, this will load all of the customers you wish to generate activation URLs for
  • Run bin/activator sync-activation-urls, this will atomically generate activation URLs for each customer in data/customers.csv
  • Run bin/activator export-customers-csv, this will export a new CSV file the same as bin/customers.csv but with the addition of an Activation URL, you can then use this to send out a bulk email inviting inactive users to activate in Shopify. This is placed in data/customers-with-activation-urls.csv

Questions :thinking: / Ideas :scream:

Open an issue and I’ll try to respond as quickly as I can :+1: